Who: Euram and Luserina
When: Right after the
fight with Lo HakWhat: Euram goes running to someone he hopes will help him.
Euram ran through the manor trying to get as far away from the scene with Lo Hak as he possibly could. His hand still covered the growing bruise on his injured cheek as he rushed down the halls. It wasn’t just the physical pain, but the words that had been yelled at him…he didn’t know what to do with them. If he met anyone on the way he didn’t acknowledge them, he just ran to the one room where he knew he wouldn’t be thrown out…at least he hoped.
Luserina had been trying to avoid her brother, for the most part, thanks to his insistence that she change her clothing. It was hardly her fault that the weather in Budehuc was so warm. After being here nearly a year, she felt it time to adapt to the environment properly. Now that she was back from her trip and properly adapted, however, she felt it time for a bath, so gathered up her things and made for her door.
In a moment of serendipity, Euram made it to the door at just the moment it opened. He wasn’t thinking well enough to really give that coincidence thought. Instead he just stared in, looking like an injured puppy; eyes glassy and a purple mark visible at the edges of where his hands covered his cheek.
A sudden visitor at her door, especially when that visitor was her brother, was the last thing Luserina had expected and she dropped her bathing things in surprise. "Euram! What are you doing here--goodness, what happened to your cheek!"
With how on edge he was Euram’s shoulders jumped in a shrink backwards at the sound of the items hitting the ground. The words of concern convinced him that he wouldn’t be told to leave, and that last fear assuaged he completely lost his composure and rushed forward sobbing onto her shoulder like a child would their mother. The mark was fully visible now as both his hands were balled into fists on Luserina’s shoulders.
The last time she had seen her brother cry genuine tears instead of his usual crocodile tears had been years past, before their mother had confined herself, and the sudden explosion of emotion had Luserina worried. She rethought her bath, instead kicking her things back into the room behind her and guiding her brother inside, gently shutting the door. Once the door was closed, she simply patted Euram on the back, waiting for him to calm down. "Really, Euram, what happened? I haven't seen you this way in ages."
Euram let himself be guided into the room. He wasn’t paying enough attention to his surroundings to even realize he had been, or to have been thinking that the hallway wasn’t the best place for a breakdown. This may have been the first time Luserina had seen him this way in a long time, but it was becoming a more frequent occurrence in the past months. Once the first explosion had passed he sniffed and slowly backed up, face wet and still looking quite miserable. “Everyone really hates me don’t they?” he finally asked, looking ready to fall back into tears at any moment.
With a sigh, Luserina handed a handkerchief to her brother, gesturing for him to wipe his face. "I don't know about that. I thought you'd made friends?" She sat on the bed, waiting for him to gather his thoughts. "Now what happened, Euram?"
Euram took the handkerchief, whipping his eyes. “I have but…” he broke off into more sniffling trying to keep himself from crying again. “Everyone keeps…and…I didn’t do anything! He..He just punched me and told me and…and said that everyone hates me and...” He was trying to collect his thoughts, but the need to bury his face into the handkerchief won for the moment.
Luserina was at a loss. Her brother was nearly completely incoherent, and she had no idea what was going on. "Who punched you, Euram? And why?"
Euram sniffed again getting himself more under control so he could answer. “The bath master…Lo Hak.” He answered, breathing enough under control for it to make sense. “He was mad at me for…the hole in the divider at the baths and for not staying to clean up, but…I wasn’t even there when that happened! Why is it my fault?!”
"Wait, what happened? What hole?" Rather than understanding what was going on, Luserina was growing more confused. There was a hole in the bathing divider, so Lo Hak had punched her brother? But that didn't make sense.
“I don’t know! He didn’t tell me” Euram burst out, voice taking on a more whining quality. “He just said that someone put a hole in the divider and that I needed to apologize for it. I didn’t do it! I swear!” Euram’s eyes teared up again and he brushed the water away only to flinch and tear up more when he came in contact with the bruise.
Oh dear. Though she knew her brother was prone to fibbing when it furthered his aims, Euram didn't appear to be lying now. "I'm sorry, Euram. Come with me to the infirmary, and I can put some ointment on your cheek. I'm sure this was simply a misunderstanding."
Euram shrank into himself shaking his head like a child at the suggestion. He didn’t want to go to the infirmary because that would mean going through the halls again, and he didn’t want to face anyone right now. It was childish, but he could act that way at the best of times and this most certainly was not one of those times. “Why is this place so hard?” he asked, sniveling and using the handkerchief.
Luserina sighed, a little dramatically. "It isn't hard, Euram, it's just different." She took a closer look at his cheek and frowned. Lo Hak had gotten in a good blow, if the purpled skin was any indication. "Fine, then, I won't make you go down, but I'm going to get you something, anyway."
Euram looked down sheepishly at the reprimand, Luserina always managed to do that to him. He was all set to whine that he didn’t like it when she inspected his bruise. Percival had been right, she did deserve a better brother. “I’m sorry you have to go through these things for me,” he said, “I’m certain you would have no problems at this castle were it not for your unfortunate association to me.”
Luserina raised an eyebrow. "No problems? Don't be ridiculous, Euram, of course I would have problems. This is an unfamiliar place in an unfamiliar time. I will always have problems, and they are hardly all your fault." She made herself stop before reminding him about the problems that were his fault. Her brother hardly needed a bruise to his ego to match the one on his cheek. "Wait here for me, why don't you, and I'll fetch you something for that bruise."
Euram was not entirely assured by her claims. He was too depressed to believe that anything wasn’t his fault. “Ok,” he said simply, moving to sit down in one of the chairs, the hand with the handkerchief still gingerly holding his cheek. He didn’t want to cause any more problems for her right now by saying he’d rather she stayed so instead he just obeyed and waited.
"Good." Satisfied that her brother would stay put, at least for the moment, Luserina dashed out of her room and toward the infirmary, already going through a mental list of items to stay the swelling.