Valentines Log: Euram and Jewel

Feb 15, 2009 01:36

Who: Euram and Jewel
What: Euram decides he's not going to be part of another one of Queen's jokes!
Where: The Cafe

Jewel: ::Walking back to the manor alone with an uncharacteristically unhappy face:: Well this is just great...

Euram: ::in the halls near, but avoiding, the café. He was supposed to be on a date, but after the last fiasco had decided he would not be a part of another of Queen’s jokes::

Jewel: ::Spots him:: Hey there...What are you up to Euram?

Euram: ::trying to conspicuously peak out the window at the café when Jewel startles him:: Ah! Oh my, miss Jewel. I was merely…out an about! One cannot forget the importance of idle matters such as short walks. You are well, I trust.

Jewel: ::Is wearing the hair clip that he Euram got her for Christmas:: Actually...not so much. I was supposed to be on a date at the café, but I waited for over 10 minutes and no one showed up...The nerve of some people. ::pouts::

Euram: ::eyes go wide, and almost chokes on nothing:: Oh…oh my really? ::coughs and straightens:: What an absolutely horrid turn of events! My My how could someone possibly be so unkind. ::cough::

Jewel: ::Sighs:: I don't know...It's just annoying. ::Stomach growls, and she makes a funny face:: ...And I am pretty hungry too.

Euram: ::swearing profusely in his head, and it shows on his face:: Oh my my, but that will never do. ::poses dramatically:: I cannot allow such a thing to stand. No! I must take it upon myself to correct this most foul turn in events caused by that most unknown person.

Jewel: ::A little confused by his funny facial expression, but smiles slightly at his outburst:: You...really don't have to do that.

Euram: ::feeling way too guilty, and mentally screaming at himself for being an idiot…wait. This was Queen’s fault! Obviously she planned to give him a horrible date first so he would destroy the real ones after it. Well he’d show her! Stands up straight and extends his hand regally:: My lady, it would be my utmost honor to escort you to a fine meal on par…nay far greater than what you could have expected from any participant of this game. ::Ha! Take that Queen!::

Jewel: ::She can't help but blush a little:: ::Thinks for a moment before giving in:: That sounds great. ::Smiles, and takes his hand::

Euram: Wonderful! ::starts leading them back towards the café::

Jewel: ::Fights back a giddy giggle while being led::

Euram: ::lounges in a chat at the gaily decorated table they were supposed to have met at to begin with:: Now then, this should set a great deal of the wrong right.

Jewel: ::Takes her seat, and just keeps smiling quietly for a moment. This is certainly way better than whoever her inconsiderate date was supposed to be:: I...really appreciate this. You're so kind..

Euram: ::beams at the compliment, definitely not used to hearing that. Waves it off, while looking incredibly pleased with himself:: Your words, while sweet as tempered honey, are quite unnecessary. Now, how have you found yourself these past days?

Jewel: I've been okay. A little busy, but okay. Oh! Did I tell you I started working at the infirmary?

Euram: I had not been informed of that. What a splendid pursuit. ::looks down, trying and failing to hide his thoughts:: Why my sister followed a similar line of aid to the populace when she was here.

Jewel: Oh! I didn't know you had a sister. What's she like?

Euram: Luserina…::thinks of how to describe her and turns to self pity::..she was the best of my family. It is true pity that she disappeared before you had a chance to meet with her. She is a far better companion than I.

Jewel: What a pretty name... As much as I'd like to meet her, I don't think she would...fill the same space as you. ::Sort of gestures to the table they are sitting at, hinting at the situation::

Euram: …. Ha..haha! No, I do suppose you are right. ::still looks a little remorseful:: What of you, do you have any siblings? Or did you in your proper time?

Jewel: No..I was an only child. ::shrugs:: And I left home when I was really young anyway, so I don't think it would have mattered much. My friends were always more like my family. ::smiles at him, wishing he would cheer up again::

Euram: Ah…how different that must have been…I cannot even imagine. ::looks up again, smile back in place:: Left home? Ah, to pursue your knight training I presume?

Jewel: Oh it really isn't that difficult. I've always been happy with my situation. ::Nods:: Well..yeah after I left to become a knight.

Euram: How very interesting. ::is cut off as the waitress arrives and asks for their orders:: Ah yes…we shall have..::glances over the menu not finding anything very impressive:: Whatever is the most expensive! See to it that the chef puts extra care into it will you not? Haha yes, there we are.

Jewel: ::Taken by surprise:: That's...that's not necessary! ::Glances at the menu for the prices..and notices what the most expensive thing is. Her stomach growls again, and her mouth starts to water:: I That sounds really good... ::Watches the waitress leave again, with a little guilt::

Euram: ::doesn’t notice the guilt, as he’s feeling proud of himself again:: But of course it sounds good! We are here to make the day an occasion for smiles again are we not? Yes, we cannot settle for anything but the best! ::wether or not her can really afford it::

Jewel: Yeah... ::D oes indeed smile, and blushes a little again::

Euram: Now…what were we discussing?

Jewel: Heh..I don't really remember.... Actually. I was just thinking how I still really don't know all that much about you.

Euram: Hmm? Oh? ::a bit worried since there’s a lot he doesn’t want other people to know::

Jewel: Well yeah! Like...I didn't even know you had a sister. What is the rest of your family like?

Euram: ::chokes on the water he had been drinking:: My family? Oh what is there to say…haha.. Yes. What is there to say indeed….my how very little there is to say.

Jewel: you have any other siblings, for starters?

Euram: ::looks down, unable to hide his emotions:: Such a question..ha..ah…Not for some time.

Jewel: ::Looks curious, and a little concerned:: ....Oh?

Euram: ……. Ha…yes..oh my wonderful it seems the food has arrived! ::the waitress is still a ways away but heading towards them:: I do hope it will be satisfactory.

Jewel: ... ::Has a funny face on until the food arrives, but it sufficiently distracts her:: Oh my..this does look amazing.

Euram: Indeed, how fortunate that this barren castle can still supply a respectable banquet. ::the waitress also pours wine before leaving::

Jewel: Indeed! ::Trying to sound as high class as him, and picks up the glass:: Shall we toast? ::Smiles, feeling rather special. She hasn't had many chances in her life to drink::

Euram: Splendid idea. To fortuitous meetings! ::ding and drink::

Jewel: ::Toasts and starts eating, trying to keep her best manners and not speak with her mouth full:: So... ::Decides to try a slightly different rout:: What is your mother like? I imagine she must be very beautiful.

Euram: ::pauses, mid-bite…and slowly finishes chewing before answering:: Yes, she is..was a great beauty, and quite kind. Radiant in every way really. It was a dreadful shame she decided to no longer share that brilliance with the rest of the world… ::takes a drink, staring at the middle of the table::

Jewel: O-oh. I see. I didn't mean to say anything... ::Also takes a drink, cutting herself off:: Um...What about your father?

Euram: ::looks even more pained at that question:: Tha..he…::finishes his glass slowly thinking of what to say:: ..Ha, my but we have spoken of me so much and I still know so little of you. You said your friends were your family did you not? That is interesting. ::subtle topic change!::

Jewel: :: Distressed at the responses she keeps getting, allows the subject to change:: Yeah. My best friends at the academy were just as important as family, if not more so. Paula, Keneth, Tal ::Pauses sligtly:: Snowe...I miss them all a lot. Thankfully Lazlo is here now.

Euram: Ah, how wonderful that you have one of your companions here. ::still looks a bit sad:: Of course, there are many from the Island Nations I have noticed.

Jewel: Yeah I'm really grateful. But I'm still kind of surprised there's so many people from the Islands here. ::Tries to lighten the mood:: Heh...we're all kind of peeved. I'm used to much nicer weather. ::pauses for a moment to take a bite:: ...Have you ever been to the Islands?

Euram: Ha ha, yes I agree. Falena was much more temperate as well. This is the second winter I have had to endure, and I find I do not like it anymore than I had the year previous. ::smirk is back in place:: Ah no, I had never the time nor need to visit the islands. There was so much to do about in Falena being heir to a senate faction after all! Though if I had, I’m certain it would be quite different from the islands you had known.

Jewel: I guess that's true... I do wonder what it's like now. I wonder if I'll ever get a chance to see it again.

Euram: I’m certain you can. I believe there was an expedition just last spring to the islands. They are a deal closer than Falena after all.

Jewel: Hmm...I wonder if there will be another one this year. Maybe it will even go all the way to Falena. I'd like to visit there some day too. Would you ever like to go back?

Euram: Hmm ::looks down again, wine making him a bit more willing to open up:: I do not know how wise that would be. I would love to once again see the beauty of Rainwall, but I do not know what I would find there. To see the house empty…or my families’ grav……but I seem to continually bring the conversation to morose topics. How careless!

Jewel: .... ::Looks down at her nearly empty plate and starts poking at what's left with her fork:: Well um...what would you like to talk about?

Euram: … ::used to noble small talk, he should be able to come up with something easier than this:: … Recent events! Ah, how has your new vocation treated you thus far?

Jewel: It's not bad. Kind of stressful, but I like helping people. I'm amazed I haven't caught anything yet...we keep losing people to it.

Euram: Oh my, that sounds so dangerous. ::the waitress returns to take their plates:: Surely there is some protection granted to the staff to insure their safety when dealing with the harsh cases.

Jewel: Ah well... we're usually just careful. But sometimes you can't avoid a patient sneezing on you or something. I guess I've just been lucky. ::smile, smile, smile::

Euram: Ah! ::smiles back, falling back into noble habits:: Well truly who could be have such dreadful manners, as well as lack of appreciation for loveliness to allow their sickness to touch one such as yourself.

Jewel: Well... I tend to cut truly ill people some slack in the manners department. But I have less patience for people who put themselves in the infirmary.

Euram: Such geniality to those undeserving to match. ::sighs dramatically:: Yes we do have quite the bit of trouble makers who would give you more work than you should have to abide.

Jewel: But...things do happen..and it's our job to take care of people. Even the troublemakers. ::downs the end of her wine::

Euram: Such forgiveness…It is admirable, if a bit foolish. ::smiles::

Jewel: ::Giggles:: Well more people should be more forgiving! Maybe if they were there wouldn't be as much needless fighting, you think?

Euram: Perhaps. However there are some actions and people who are beyond redemption.

Jewel: Yeah. ::Starts getting chatty with the wine:: That's true. But lots of times people can change. Sometimes all people need are a second chance. As long as people know what they did is wrong. It's just those people who have a blatant disregard for human life...and kill people or treat people badly and don't even care. Those this one guy in the infirmary. Those are the really bad people. ::Stops her little speech, and goes to take another sip of her wine, but realizes it's gone and puts it back down::

Euram: ….. ::looking down completely not sure which category he fits into to, and takes a sip of his wine, noticing his glass is empty as well:: Ah! It seems we have reached a similar predicament. Ha haha. Allow me milady ::picks up the bottle left on the table and refills their glasses::

Jewel: Hehe..Thank you! ::takes another sip as soon as hers is refilled:: else? ::Leaving the topics of discussion seems to be working a bit better than her asking questions::

Euram: ::sips his as well, contents threatening to spill as he talks with his arms:: Hmm…surely we have not exhausted all topics of conversation in so short a time. Ha ha, why we would be very dull people indeed if that were the case.

Jewel: So..What do you like to do in your spare time? Other than..plot to decorate the manor? ::Giggles::

Euram: Ah..hmm...why I do suppose that intrigue is but a smaller part of my artistic nature. I do enjoy anything suffused with artistry. There is no joy in life if there is not a proper display of color to match one’s disposition. Do you not agree?

Jewel: Yeah of course! I've always hated dark or boring colors. Who could possibly choose beige over orange or purple or green?

Euram: EXACTLY! ::slaps his hand on the table enthusiastically:: I knew you were a kindred spirit! If only all could be made to understand!

Jewel: I don't know. Maybe they can? I mean..everyone's different but, you never know!

Euram: Oh, how admirable your optimism is. It is truly inspiring even if faulty. ::sneers a bit:: I do believe that no amount of proper coaching could help that horrid Alenia woman…any Godwin scum. Hmpf. ::Smiles again:: Perhaps we should instead relish in our good fortune of being around those of like mind. Ha ha.

Jewel: ::Just nods, smiling, not sure she can come up with something coherent and related to say, and just drinks some more wine::

Euram: ::looks up:: Oh dear, my how the sun has gone down. I hadn’t noticed.

Jewel: Huh? Oh it has! Hehe...

Euram: Ha ha. As wonderful as this has been, it is highly improper for such a thing to last into the night.

Jewel: It is? Oh...Um. Okay then. ::Goes to sip her wine again and finishes it, then hiccups:: I guess I should probably stop anyway...hehe

Euram: ::surprised by the hiccup but is too inebriated himself to do anything but laugh:: Ha haha ::stands, and offers his hand to help her up::

Jewel: ::Takes it, and it's a good thing, because she's far more wobbly than she should be after just two glasses of wine:: Thanks.

Euram: ::moves to steady her, but he’s not that steady either, so it really does nothing:: Of course! A gem should not be left to fend for herself.

Jewel: ::Totally misses the comment, but blushes just the same:: Heh...hey I can take care of myself too you know. ::Hiccups::

Euram: Haha, of course, of course. Ha. I do hope this has repaired the damage of earlier.

Jewel: Damage? What Dama.. ::hiccup:: ...Oh. Yeah! It totally has. Hehe..I had fun.

Euram: ::smiles, a bit relieved:: Splendid. Well then, I suppose until next we meet!

Jewel: ::Nods, and smiles:: Yeah.

Euram: Have a pleasant evening then, Miss Jewel.

Jewel: You too, Mister Euram. ::Giggles::
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