yesterday i went to this lakeshore party. with this kid justin that stephanie knows. he kept callin us, like every 2 minutes to make sure we were coming, so i figured that either
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His name is Naji darling and yes he is cute. But I can already tell he's a player. Anyways..great times with you last night! I love you!!! Oh and I will definately make Justin invite us more often but earlier so we can have more fun and meet more people.
lol Naji klem? If I was you, i would NOT try to get into anything with him.. lol i was with him for like 3 months.. and now, he tells his friends im crazy and all this shit.. hes not really a player, he dosent get girls becasue of rummors at his schoool about him lol
Comments 8
Love You KK!!! :]
too bad the only thing we said to eachother was hi. lol
shit, we hardly even talked. i didn't even get the digits ! haha.
were u with mike and andy[?] last ngiht?
cuz i think they said they were with some girl named haley, that knows me.
Yah i was with Andy lol :) we were at my friend Kellys and yah lol it was me!
i was just sayin he was cute, that's all.
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