
Nov 14, 2004 15:25

yesturday was fun. jenn and i went to matts hockey game:) and they won. me and jenn went in the boys bathroom :o lol no one was in there though and laughed at the kids on the other team when they walked by cause they lost...im surprised they didnt like beat me with their sticks lol. well after the game me and matt went upstairs and i met his ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

hey sweetbubbles290 November 26 2004, 14:14:36 UTC
hey its nichole, im so happy that your happy. matt sounds like a godsend, and you gave me a note a while back asking if i was mad at you, an i swear i just forgot to write back. i was never mad at you.jett brought out good things in me but he also brought out things i never want to be again and not talking to you was one of them. we had a lot of problems and we still do. i just wanted to say that im sorry for not treating you the way you should have been.well talk to you later! write me sometime.


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