Title: Jayden
Characters: established Sherlock/John, OC
Rating: G
Words: 1063
Spoilers: None
Notes: A fic in which Sherlock and John are together and have adopted a kid. This is written from the kid's point of view.
Jayden doesn't remember much about Before.
He sometimes has flashes of pictures or sounds. They're always scary: ugly things that attack him at nighttime and send him running to sleep in John and Sherlock's bed where it's safe.
Jayden wishes that John and Sherlock were all he could remember.
But he thinks that maybe the longer he stays with them, the more he'll forget about Before and that, one day, his time with John and Sherlock will fill up his head.
And then Before will be forgotten for good.
Jayden clambers up next to John on the sofa, carrying his favorite book with him.
It's his favorite because he likes stories that rhyme best of all.
He settles himself under John's outstretched arm and then plops the book enthusiastically onto his lap.
John smiles at him. "This one again? You must have it memorized by now. You sure you want this book?"
Jayden nods eagerly. "Again!"
John laughs. Jayden doesn't know what's so funny, since this is the very best of all his books, but he likes John's laugh, so he smiles and waits for John to begin reading.
Jayden needs to be prepared, because he has the very important job of Page Turner. It means that John needs him to turn every page after he's finished reading all of the words.
Just then, he hears the door downstairs open and shut, followed by someone coming up the steps.
Jayden looks up from the book and sees Sherlock walk through the doorway, already pulling off his coat and scarf. "'Lock!" He grins and pats John repeatedly on the shoulder with one hand and points with the other to make sure that he notices too. "'Lock home!"
"I see him, Jay." John turns to Sherlock. "You're home early."
Sherlock sighs dramatically, rolling his eyes, and Jayden giggles. Sherlock is often very silly.
"They kicked me out of the mortuary." He moves over to the sofa, flopping heavily onto it next to Jayden so that Jayden has John on one side and Sherlock on the other.
Jayden approves of this.
He lets Sherlock know by patting him on the knee. "Hi 'Lock."
"Hello Jayden." Sherlock smiles at him. Most people wouldn't know that it's a smile, but Jayden knows. Sherlock just doesn't smile as big as everyone else.
Sherlock addresses John over the top of Jayden's head. "This 'Lock' thing is becoming absurd."
"I think, upon closer inspection, you'll find that it's you who's absurd."
"But surely you'd prefer it if he pronounced your name properly?"
"I really wouldn't."
"He calls you 'Gone'."
"He's a little kid. It's cute. He'll get it right eventually, he just needs time to figure out the letter J."
Jayden agrees. J's are very difficult. It's unlucky that his name begins with one.
"But he can say 'juice'!"
"Sort of. Sounds more like 'duice' most of the time." John looks down and addresses him. "Right, Jay-Jay? What's your favorite drink in the whole world?"
"Duice!" Jayden grins - he loves juice! Maybe Sherlock has brought some more home. He looks, but Sherlock doesn't seem to be carrying anything.
"That is patently ridiculous. Why does the J in 'John' become a G, while the J in 'juice' becomes a D? He could at least try to be consistent and substitute the same letter every time he replaces a J."
"Because you'd prefer to give him a cup full of guice?"
Jayden slaps the book with his hand. "Goose!"
John looks a bit surprised but then grins down at him. "That's right, Jay, Mother Goose."
"See! Look at how intelligent he is. There's no reason why he shouldn't be able to pronounce my name. He can make all of the sounds individually, he simply needs to learn how to put them together."
"You're insane. You realize that, yeah?"
"Please explain to me how 'not wanting our boy to speak like a vagrant' falls under the definition of insanity."
John just splutters at him, which Jayden finds very funny.
"Observe." Sherlock moves to sit cross-legged on the floor in front of the sofa so that his face and Jayden's are level. "Alright Jayden, don't worry. I'll have you speaking properly in no time."
Jayden stares raptly- this should be fun! Sherlock always makes up brilliant games.
"Now, please repeat after me: 'Shhh.'"
Jayden dislikes the Sh sound. It's even harder than the J sound. But he tries anyway, since Sherlock wants him to.
"That's very close, good boy. Next: 'Errr.'"
"Well done, Jayden. Now we'll go though again, but a bit faster this time."
Jayden continues to repeat the sounds after Sherlock says them. He likes to make sounds, and he makes the game even better by making sure to always shout the sound louder than Sherlock does.
He can hear John laughing, but Jayden understands why. Sherlock is still being very silly.
They make the sounds some more before Sherlock stops.
"Okay." Sherlock stares at him very seriously. "Jayden. What is my name?"
Jayden gets excited.
Most of the questions that Sherlock ask him at the end of their games are hard, but this is an easy one!
He claps his hands together and yells,
He grins at Sherlock, pleased, and hears John give a shout of laughter behind him. "Yes, that went very well for you. Good plan."
Sherlock frowns up at John before looking back to Jayden. He moves his face closer until they're almost touching.
"You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?"
He's pretending to be annoyed, but Jayden can tell that he isn't really upset because his eyes are happy.
Jayden loves it very much when Sherlock is happy.
He leans forward quickly and kisses Sherlock playfully on the nose. "'Lock."
He sees Sherlock's eyes go all soft and Jayden smiles at him.
Sherlock moves to get up from the floor, pressing his forehead gently against Jayden's for a second as he stands.
"I, ah, need a glass of water." He heads towards the kitchen while Jayden snuggles back against John's side to finish their book.
John kisses the top of Jayden's head and, before he starts reading, calls out,
"Mind getting me a glass of goose while you're in there, 'Lock?"
"Shut up, Gone."
Jayden giggles and gets ready to turn the pages.
Thanks for reading!