Even if I told you my name, it wouldn't mean anything because you wouldn't know who I was. I could kick you ass, but thats pointless I was just telling you that your very obsessive and also, very ugly.
Ok I dont care what you think of me. But if I am not going to know who you are then how did you get my live journal sn? Why were you reading my live journal if I dont know you? Why wont you tell me who you are? I dont want to fight you I just want to know who thinks what about me.
Good job. Not only have you just admitted that youre an idiot, but you've also admitted that you beat on girls. I'm glad to know that cock suckers like you are still around, I miss telling you ass holes how to act. You dont go bragging that you can kick a girl's ass. The only people that beat girls are fucking losers that get beat up by guys so they beat on women to feel superior. And two, my erica isn't ugly at all. You just don't like pretty girls cuz youre so used to fucking your buck toothed flea bitten mother. Once you get your head out of your sister's twat you might actually see shes not ugly at all. sorry that was a bit mean) Anyway, we don't really care what you have to say about anything really but if you have the balls as small as they are to say what youre saying at least give us a name. Like me, I'm MysticRaider43 IM me anytime or you wanna talk about stuff ^.^
fuck you you pussy ass wimp why dont you come out n say who the fuck you are ...so what if u dont no her n she dont no u then why the fuck you puttin ur damn nose into other ppls fucking lives . people like you should be shot cuzs your assholes who hurt people for the fuckin joy of others pain , she doesnt give of flying damn fuck what you think you need to get your pussy ass self outta her bussiness . if you have a fucking problem with her then come out n talk to her instead of being an Anonymous asshole damn ass fucker ppl like you should die!!! erica hasnt done damn shit to you so fuck you leave her alone stupid bitch..damn..u really must have NOO life if all you do is leave shitty ass insulting comments about my best friend so fuck off n leave her alone damn xangelinax
lemme put it dis way i dub everything ange said... adn like u wanna start crap with ppl u dunno that kinda messed up.. i mean u must really feel pretty crappy about urself caus u gatta make up stuff bought erica ... think about it sens she is smart adn pretty and nice (to nice ppl) and funny u gotta make up stuff so that u can go into denial about being usless and not havingfriends...see caus unlike erica i dont care telling u x acly wut i think and i'm ironchickengirl if u ever wanna have a lil chataroo..maybe u can tell me wut u think about me s oi can tell u how much none of us care wut u think about us...and aparently erica has alotta friends willing to kinda..how can i put this..beat the snot outa u and then pull that stick outa ur ass.....so u know
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