Title: Obedience
fallen_arazil, aka Djinn
Characters: House/Wilson
Rating: ADULT
Summary: House has taken everything from
Wilson, and Wilson wants something back.
Disclaimer: Is there any gay sex on House?
Then I
still don't own it. But if I ever do, boy howdy!
Author's Notes: For
karaokegal, xmas
prezzie, since she so dearly loves the hate!sex. (though this is only
He let Wilson in because he'd never done anything else--even when
they fought, even when it was Wilson's fault that
they fought (which was admittedly rare) House had never
failed to open the door and let him in, even if he complained
the entire time, so this was no different.
What was different was Wilson, because he'd never clutched so hard at
House's hair, never gripped his shoulders hard enough to bruise, or bit
until he drew blood--Wilson was careful, thorough. House was the one
who tore shirts and popped off buttons, Wilson was the one who mended
and sewed the buttons back on.
Only tonight, Wilson popped three buttons on House's oxford when he
bunched it in his hands, and when he shoved House back against the door
frame, his head hit the wood hard enough to really hurt, and when he
bit down on Wilson's tongue as a result, the other man only growled and
kissed him harder. House lost his cane somewhere between the door and
the couch, but he barely had time to notice as Wilson shoved him,
stumbling, across the distance.
"You son of a bitch." Wilson hissed, as he tore at House's fly. "You
don't care ... you don't give a fuck what you've
done to me--"
"You did it to yourself." House growled through clenched teeth. "I
didn't make you lie--"
"Yes you did." Wilson snapped, pressing House down against the cushions
and climbing over him, straddling his hips to pull open his trousers.
"You always make me do things, you don't even have to be there
anymore, you think I'm your goddamn dog--"
"Shut up." House grabbed the other man and yanked him down, the cold
metal of Wilson's zipper biting into his dick for a second before they
lined up right, and then Wilson was rutting against him, desperately,
moaning into his ear, and House groaned "Shut up, shut up--"
and kissed him so hard it hurt when their teeth
clicked together, and neither of them flinched. The kiss
tasted more strongly of blood than spit, but it didn't matter--Wilson's
dick was hot and slick against his own, and it was only moments before
he arched under him and came. Wilson reached between them as the first
spasm hit, and with clawed fingers he gripped House's thigh, hard. The
pain was far more intense than the pleasure, but the combination was so
overwhelming that he wasn't entirely sure he didn't scream.
When his vision cleared Wilson had rolled away, sitting at House's hip,
elbows on his knees, hands dangling empty between them. House's leg
throbbed, and he reached for the bottle of Vicodin on the table, but it
was just out of reach.
"Wilson," House said, his voice hoarse, "fetch."
Wilson laughed, utterly mirthless, and handed him the pill bottle.