mmom day #23 / House MD / "Attraction"

May 27, 2007 21:19

Title: Attraction
Author: Djinn
Fandom: House MD
Characters: Cuddy, House, Wilson
Rating: Teen
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, no profit being made
Summary: secondsilk's prompt, Cuddy, after watching House and Wilson doing something quite innocuous.
Word count: ~215

Cuddy has always thought that Wilson is a man who is most attractive when you think you can't have him. When he's married, when he's taken, when he only wants 'to be friends'; that is when Wilson becomes the sort of man that women tumble into bed with while he asks Is this okay? Are you sure?

House, on the other hand, is a man who is most attractive when he is vulnerable, and this is a rare enough occurrence that most people would never even catch a glimpse of it. And then, of course, many more would not know it when they see it; House bristled defensively when he is at his weakest, and it is only his eyes that give him away. But Cuddy has known his for years, and knows where to look.

These two facts being so, it is no wonder that Cuddy finds herself so struck by the picture the two men make, walking shoulder to shoulder, hands so close together that they could have been joined. It is, undoubtedly, a moment where House has never seemed so vulnerable and Wilson so unobtainable, and so it is really no surprise that the image pops into her mind that evening, while she lies in bed alone with her fantasies.

fic:[house], fic:[mmom]

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