This is the application for playing at Fallen City. When posting your application, make sure that the subject line is as follows:
(Character Name) l (Canon Series/AU/OC) l (Reserved/Not Reserved)
Applications are OPEN at this time.
The Player
Name: What you want to be called
Age: You must be 15 or older to play. If we find that you have lied to skirt the age requirement, you will be banned. No exceptions.
Contact Info:How to contact you (IM accounts, personal LJ, etc)
Time Zone:
How did you find out about us?:
Characters already played at FC:
The Character
Character’s Name:
Character’s Journal:
Character’s Canon: Where did you get them from? AU? OC?
Character’s Age:
Canon Point: From where in their canon are they pulled from?
Personal Effects: What does your character have on them when they enter the world?
History: This should be 300 words or more. Any wiki links that you would like to add to accompany that are welcome.
Abilities: Outline your character's natural, supernatural, learned, and magical abilities. If your character cannot normally use magic, but they can now, please be specific in telling us about their new powers and add a note somewhere that those abilities are being given to them now. Keep in mind that all magic now has a price, and larger spells are more likely to backfire.
First Person Sample:
Third Person Sample: This sample should be at least 200 words. Let us see that you have a grasp of the character.
Code for the application:
The Player Name:
Contact Info:
Time Zone:
How did you find out about us? Characters already played at FC The Character Character’s Name Character’s Journal Character’s Canon:
Character’s Age:
Canon Point:
Personal Effects:
History Personality Appearance Abilities Samples First Person Sample Third Person Sample