Title: Stardust of tomorow (Sequel series of
How I became an alien sample)
Chapters: 6/??
fallen_am_i Genre:AU,Crack, Fluff, Romace,uhmmm sci-fi? xD,bits of drama here and there
Warnings:Crazy yet cute aliens xD, Relationships between men
Rating: PG-13 for now
Pairing: Tora x Saga, Shou x Hiroto
Synopsis: Tora is a man with a boring life (as he himself
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Comments 22
Thank you for reading, more will be up soon :3
And no, that man wants something else... xD I think I'll update the pairings with a side one soon enough... :3
Thank you for reading :3
Yay~ for some [currently] nameless dude with emerald eyes who makes me think that he's eye-raping Saga! :D
But boo~ for the cliffhanger. :/
Well, that guy is looking for some information or what, we'll see xD
Ohh >.> It was my first cliff hanger ever I guess... :O And there will be one more soon >.> But for now we've got this one, and some answers will be on the next chapter xD
Thank you for reading :3
You know, I would never have guessed that it's Nao xD
But I am very sure that this new person in the end is someone from the GazettE xD
And oh my, Saga had done some sh*t on the other planet? xD So he is the bad boy and I was right that I felt pity for Tora xD
Sagaa is in deep shit, but he is not bad... You'll see soon enough , if that goes well xD Though yeah, he loves torturing Tora xD
Thank you for reading :3
by the way, how are you deary?
Oh, that guy is not trying to kidnap him exactly but it will be soon revealed xD
Oh I am fine, if you except the fact that I try to find a job with no result T-T How about you honey? How is college life? 8D
. . . :/ okay maybe not so good?
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