Sitting here during what would be period 4...tee hee!

Feb 23, 2005 14:36

Wow, so, I haven't really updated since my surgery. Probably 'cos things have been mad, so here goes. Maybe I'll do this by subject instead of chronology. I warn you it's long...

So, the Knee. What has absorbed the past 4 months of my life continues to do so. I have to get some more physio but haven't done anything about it yet, will probably go to the health centre tomorrow and find out the dealy there. The cuts have healed and now I have these lovely little purple scars on my knee. Oh they are so cute, and at least they are purple which is a good colour for me...yeah right. It's annoying me somewhat for one simple reason. Stairs. I have an upstairs bedroom in the flat and while I can go upstairs reasonably well now I can't go down too good. It's a one at a time job. Plus there's lots of stairs all over uni. See at home it's ok, 'cos everyone knows and no-one really cares. At uni I look like some variety of gumby 'cos I'm taking the steps one at a time. Today I got so annoyed at it I forced it. It hurt but apparently I'm meant to work through the pain or I won't get normal fuction back. It only hurts when I'm actually doing the whole bending of the knee moving the other leg to the next step thing. It's apparently surgery pain and I just have to keep on truckin'. Yeah, that's the knee...

So, The Boy. Lee is good I presume. I haven't heard from him since valentine's day when he texted me (shock horror!) which is a huge effort from him. We have a phone at the flat but I am too poor to afford a Yabba card this week so might see if he wants to ring me. I hope he will. Before I got back here things were all going so great and it was so hard to leave. I cried some and then he told me to stop it 'cos I should be used to this all by now. that made it worse. Maybe I should be used to packing everything up and moving back and forth (which I am by the way) but does that mean I should stop feeling what I feel every time I have to leave him and not see him for circa 6 weeks? I think not. This summer was so great between us. I don't know how it worked but being away from each other has made us closer. Maybe it's 'cos we talk and we talk about actual things when we're apart. As opposed to just hanging out and trying to have things to do and not talking when we were together before the whole uni thing. Not that we didn't talk...but it's deeper now. I don't know maybe it's 'cos we're both bigger kids now. I'm so glad we've grown together and not apart while I've been here. We're still the same even after all this time...Yeah, that's the Boy :)

So, the Flat. Flat is going well so far. I felt so isolated when I first got there 'cos it was just me and Qona and I didn't really know her and I wasn't in a situation where I was living with 150 other people. It was strange and somewhat upset inducing, but also different and fun at the same time. But now everyone is there and I feel less isolated and there have been events where I have caught up with everyone and I've had lectures and seen where all my friends are and it's just great :) We had our first flat shop the other night. That was interesting. I hope I'm gonna be able to keep the points counting/weight loss going. I can kinda see why Adam is not eating with us 'cos I can see it getting hard especially for me 'cos of the whole points thing. I'm sure it won't though because I am now doing like an hour of walking A DAY(!!!!) and that earns me bazillions of bonus points (but I'm only allowed to use's complicated). Jo is nice too. Natalie said she was quiet but I didn't realise how much so. The other 4 of us girls are quite talkative and pretty much always chatting and she is not like that at all. She is nice though :) Yeah, that's the flat.

So, Things In General...Well, now that I've highlighted the main events maybe I will just natter a bit. Things feel better than they felt at home. I don't know why 'cos I'm even more in debt which should make me feel bad but for some reason it doesn't. I bought some new clothes which made my wardrobe feel refreshed so I'm less bored with dressing myself now. One item was a BCRT tee-shirt. I got the huffer one with the Elephants. So cute...Everyone should buy one of the BCRT tees...for no reason except the fact that no-one knows what causes breast cancer and they don't even have a reliable method of picking it up!!! I found out in like first year psych or something that mammograms are only about 30% effective or something ridiculous like that and I was disgusted. Then when I said to someone the BCRT was a good cause (he was a guy btw.) He was all like, why isn't there a prostate cancer research trust? why don't we get t-shirts huh? At the time I didn't really know why and I just got angry at him. But, here's why. It's because if men weren't men and weren't stupid in this particular way Prostate Cancer wouldn't be a problem. Prostate cancer can be easily detected by the simple test which all men should get when they go to their doctors. They should be getting this checked up regularly over about the age of 40. But, macho men think it makes them gay to have a doctor stick his finger up their bum. Yep that's right. The reason prostate cancer is such a huge killer is 'cos men won't get it checked. Not that there's nothing they can do about it, but that they won't do what they are supposed to. Glenn (Lee's brother) particularly annoys me when it comes to stuff like this 'cos he complains about how dumb women are all the time, while there are at least three women present. He calls his mother stupid, when really he's the one saying stupid shit. He says women should be grateful to men 'cos men bring home the money and all women have to do is pop out the kids and make the food. Then BCRT came up one time 'cos me and Jess (their little sis) were talking about them and he said the same thing as that other guy. And me and Jane (their mum) told him why and said the things I just said before. Then he was like "Oh, so we have to get fingers shoved up our ass and you guys get t-shirts" I was furious and Jane and I both said, well, actually we have to get cervical smears like, every year from the age of 20 (at the latest for the first one) onwards and we have to get hurty mammograms every like, two years or something from the time we're what? 40 or something, and we give birth to your children and carry them for 9 months and do the majority of the raising of them for 18 years and cook the food and whatever else women are quote-expected-end-quote to do and we should be grateful to you. Fuck you Glenn buddy. Jane basically told him to do that but I didn't 'cos he wants to kill me already and I didn't want him to actually do it.
Fuck I hate Glenn...He tells Lee to keep me in line and shit like that and it's pathetic...*le sigh*

I think that's quite enough rambling, I shall go and sell of a textbook now and then go home and feed

Much Love
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