(no subject)

Apr 11, 2005 13:14


Name: Joyce but I go by Jes/Jessie
Age: 16
Grade: 11th
Occupation: Student, I'm soon going to be a secretary (sp?) for my friend's buisness ($8 an hour baby! Not bad for your first job! lol)
Location: Michigan
How did u think of your username: I don't understand the Q, but I'm going say I like it. Cuz my other one was dumb lol.


Color: Purple
Movie: There's to many to just say one so...Joy Ride, Moulin Rouge, Cellular
Show: Lost, Gilmore Girls, Real World
Band: Rascal Flatts, Green Day, LoneStar
Song: "Take Me As I Am" -- Jekyll and Hyde the musical
Thing to do: making graphics for Communities on LJ because I have no life! :P
Book: "The Angels Trilogy" - Lurlene McDaniel
Quote: "Meh, It happens"
Animal: Cat


marrige: I'm totally okay with it. 4 of my friends are gay. (or bi whatever you wanna say). I think that if they love eachother enough to spend the rest of their lives together (even though now you can get divorces lol) then they should go for it! :)

High school
dropouts: I can't really say much. My dad was a drop out and more than half my friends are. Most of them are starting to pull their lives back together though. Concidering my dad was, he did pretty well for himself as well as his family. Even if he is a custodian at my school. lol.

sex: I'm not going to do it. But, if someone else does...it's fine by me. I just hope that you know the guy (or girl) well enough that you don't get sick or you don't end up with a responcibility that you're not ready for.

~*This or

Coke or
pepsi: Coke all the way...I'm having withdrawl right now :(

Bitchy or slutty: Bitchy

Tall or short: Tall
Emo or rap: Emo
Pink or red: Pink
Punk or metal: Punk
Gold or silver: Silver
White or
off-white: White
or married: Depends. Being young, I say single. But, when you're older..I'd say married.


Put a picture of your
favorite thing: It's Corny...but

Promote to at least 2 people and put the link



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