Day One - surprised the family & hung out with Kk because Kim is a horrible friend ;P no Im just playing - shes my favorite <3
Day Two - we all decided it was time for a change & dyed our hair a few shades darker which meant less reddish for Kk, deeper brown for Kim & black for me ;]
later that night, Delisa came over & we met up with Lee & Fabian at Whataburger
Im really not trying to molest Fabian - but Delisa really is covered in cow ;]
aw - Lee attempted the scruffy film student look while still wearing A&F
Day Three - Christmas Eve :) went to church, ate & played games with the extended family, the Kanipes..
aw - they*re getting soooo big!
Sisters are my favorite Blessing <3
.. and then it snowed :O seriously I was freezing - but it was so awesome! like who the hell would have ever thought that we would have a white Christmas in the Valley!? sooooo perfect & amazing :)
Day Four - Christmas Day <3 opened presents with the family & went to Grandmas for awhile.. then I think we went to Ryans & saw the boys for bit
Day Five - got coffee & had a wonderful four hour talk with Mona :) seriously did not realize that we were there for so long but it was lots of fun & I hope we do it again next time Im down.. & we should take pictures next time too :\
Day Six - Kim finally bought our gifts so we went to eat lunch at Blackbeards & opened our presents at Kks condo. we were all very pleased of course ;]
Day Seven - my 20th birthday! family BBQ at my house with the Kanipes, Kim, Delisa, LeAnna, Rebecca & her friend Emily too :) felt my age & fell asleep early watching Empire Records with the Girls - but all in all I had a greeeaaaat birthday <3 thanks to Danielle, Adam, John, Lee, Will, Carol & everyone else that called me on my birthday :)
I really felt like a Princess <3<3<3
Day Eight - went to Olive Garden with LeAnna & did some shopping. stopped by Marcos*s house for awhile & visited with him, Rollie & Heather and then went to Delisa*s afterwards for some fun <3
I wasnt in the best of moods - sorry Girls :\
.. even white boys got to shout ;]
Day Nine - Moms 24th Birthday ;] spent the day with the family & ate a yummy yummy dinner at Red Lobster..
Day Ten - New Years Eve :) had some quality time with my most favorite people at Jens apartment.. much much much fun <3
all dressed up & no where to go - it dont matter though, because we are the party ;]
aw - Piggie Reunion <3<3<3
Day Eleven - didnt feel very well at all & spent most of the day sleeping. Mom made my favorite dinner & then I said Good*Bye to Delisa & stopped by Kims for a bit..
Day Twelve - went to church early & ate La Mexicana before heading back to Houston with Brandi & Daddy Pete..
so it was a good break :)