Excuse me while I have a small, slightly inflamatory LJ update:
Ms Lynn Mitelka,
You have planned so many supposedly wonderful things forn the Institute of New Technologies of Maastricht, The Netherlands. One of the best things you have done is recruited Lea Velho as one of your researches.
Now, don't take me wrong when I say this: Your a dictator director. You do not want anyone under your control to have brilliant ideas, and one of those people was Lea Velho. I will tell you that she respected you, she even told you so one cold evening of Autumn 2001. What did you do? You told her that you do not respect her.
"Lynn," Lea had said. "Let's be calm and act like the adults we are, showing the respect we should have for each other.
"Respect?" you said, unbelievingly. "I don't respect you."
What is this, Ms Mitelka? Have you no consideration?
After that day, you caused a war to break out right under your nose. People started choosing sides. Would they choose the person who had said words of wisdom or would they be terrorised under your submission?
Explain to me why you convinced the vice-rector of New Technologies to deny Lea's new contract renewal? What had she done these past two years that made you hate her more than ever? Was it the fact that she was the first person to openly question your decisions? Was it because she is obviously more inteligent than you?
Or was it because she had gotten into a fight with your pet researcher, Banji Oyelaran-Oyeyinka? It is quite impressive that this would be a reason and I do hope that it is not, for I would not understand what kind of reason occurs in your American mind. No, you are not Canadian, as you claim you are. You are fully American and every person in the Institute knows this, so do not try to fool the new-comers.
I will stop here and hope you understand what I am saying, or am I putting this in a vocabulary to rich for your understanding?
Raquel Velho.
Your hate will be best direct towards me directly. I do not understand why you would say beastly things about me behind my back. Your words of mistreating will reach my ears one way or the other, you cannot trust people you think are credulous. They may even distort your phrases to make everything sound even more ghastly than they were.
So now it is my turn to make a small plea to you, I do not mind if you speak these words to me, but I do if you articulate them to other people. I have every right to know what you think about me if you tell someone openly about it.
One other thing, if you do not seem like a person of a higher inteligence than an ape, I will not give you an ounce of respect, and I am not scared of using the tongue or brain I was given to tell you so.
I hope you understand these words of caution and plea. Thank you.
I think I may go now.
I hope everyone had a great Halloween, Samhein, Autumn Equinox and that the Mexicans are having a good Dia de los Muertos and that the Brazilians are having a good Dia das Almas.
Goodbye for now,