I've come to the realization that if you talk to me face to face, eventually you will misread my actions, not listen to my words, and to finish off the easily fixed problems, you will walk away without ever saying a word.
I don't know why this is, but it seems that everyone is claiming to "tell it like it is", but not telling me a damn thing...good or bad. I went on a date with a girl (I'll call her Miss C), and we had a great time. I mean, a really great time. She has black hair, blue eyes, is tall, funny, spiritual, and affectionate. These are all qualities I look for in a person.
But, the end of the date nears, and she says she's going to a gay bar with her best guy friend (who is gay). That didn't bother me. I didn't live near where we were at the time, but she did. I suggested we carpool, I drop my car off at her apartments, and we ride down together. She doesn't go for it. In fact, she asks me to meet her at this guy's house. Now, I'm a little off. I'm not afraid of people. I'm not a homophobe. But, she was asking me to go to some person's house that I had never met before, and then wait for her to show up, so we could all go to a gay club, knowing that I was straight.
I told her (because I'm an honest guy, but I have tact...something people say they appreciate, but rarely show appreciation for the people who are like that) that I felt a little out of my comfort zone with that idea. So, I suggested that we meet for lunch today, and just call it a night. I really do like this girl, and I've been thinking about her a lot leading up to this date (we had met a few months ago, but we kept missing opportunities to get together), so I meant every word of what I said, I wanted to get together with her again.
She seems excited as well, and even gives me a kiss (on the lips, WOOHOO!) when she gets in her car. I make the drive to my house...it's about 30 minutes away. She didn't tell me why she wanted to go to her house and not allow us to car pool. I thought it was that she didn't want me to know where she lived, but then she told me where she lived. I thought she had a messy apartment and didn't want me to see it, so I offered to wait in the car while she took care of whatever she had to take care of (she said it wouldn't take long), but then she said that it wasn't anything that I was thinking. Of course, I don't like when people try and guess what I'm thinking...becuase they're usually wrong. She thought I was thinking female problems. I was thinking she has a boyfriend at home and doesn't want me to know. I asked her, she said no, that wasn't it.
I spent most of the car ride agonizing over why she didn't want to ride with me. I was willing to go with her, but the idea of showing up at some strangers door without her to introduce me bothered me. So, I realize that is my only problem with the situation. I text her, telling her I changed my mind and still want to meet up at the club, and for her to text me when they're going. I received no text that night.
Today, we were supposed to have lunch. I text her at 11:30, asking if she was still up for getting together to eat. I call her at 3, hoping she's alright and ask her to call me. I text her again at 8:45, telling her I am worried since I didn't hear back from her.
I won't contact her again (not until she contacts me first)...but really...what is so bad that she can't tell me? We talked so easily during dinner, and she kissed me, with a smile, excited about the idea of lunch...and still, nothing. Was it because I didn't want to go to a stranger's house and wait for her?? Wouldn't anybody else feel a little weird about that? I mean, if she was with me, I'm all a go, I have someone to talk to and introduce me and a way to not feel like that random guy at the door, but she was so adamant about going home alone first, I have no clue what is going on.
So, I almost titled this post as "If we live in the same town, then you won't tell me the truth"...then thought, "The only people I can trust are people who don't live near me". Finally, I picked "I can't handle the truth", because apparently, that's how everyone feels about me. Which is sad, because if she took two minutes to tell me she wasn't interested anymore, I would've let all of this go right then and there. Women, as childish as men are, you are the most immature when trying to reject a guy. The truth shall set you free, ladies. That doesn't mean be a bitch, that just means tell them how you feel. Trust me, it'll work better.