So I took a huge step in my life today...
I approached my boss about stepping down from my ft manager position to a "desk" job. It's a big step for me. I hate, HATE, hate change. I don't like uncertainty. It gives me the biggest anxiety attacks. I about had a panic attack between the time I started talking with her and when I made the actual decision 2 hours later. I will be stepping into a job that I have done before, well I have done EVERY job at the store before, and it is probably the job I like the best. It will be a few less hours, about 8 a week, but it is all morning shifts, no cashiering (YEAH!) and I can request time off anytime I want. I also have submitted to the Craft Yarn Council (CYC) to get certification to become the knit/crochet instructor, a job I have been wanting since they announced they were bringing back classes. AND I have 4 weeks of time off that I have to use between now & april 28th. So I will become VERY well rested :D My car is going to be fixed on Thurs so I will be able to drive to Portland again!! Just in time for Kane's first show of the year on the 26th! I will have time to go hang out on T's couch for a while! I'm really really excited now :D:D:D:D