[An author who has affected you} Sarah Dessen
[What you most like to do on a Sunday] hang out with friends
[A monument you would like to view from your bedroom] a mountain ... or the Eifel Tower (i know thats spelled wrong, but i don't know how to spell it ... jenny... lol)
[A taste that makes you melt] Dove chocolate
[A hobby that occupies your time] uhh doing surveys!! lol or readng or listening to music
[The film you could watch over and over] ummm sweet home alabama
[Your motto] live like there's no tomorrow!
[Your approximate annual income] lol good question
[Something important on your computer desk] ummm well nothing really ... well my iPod is sitting here now, so i guess that
[What you would keep in a safe, if you had one] my journals and scrapbooks
[Things you like to buy] stuff that i want but i know i don't need
[If you could afford it at this moment, you would buy] an electric guitar or a video camera
[You collect] postcards
[Your strangest possession] uhhhhhhh i'm not too sure
[Your most expensive possession] my piano ... even though its not really MINE, i like to say it is
[Your prized possession] stuff from my childhood (dolls and stuff) and my piano
[If your house was burning and you only had time to rescue 3 things, they would be] besides family ... thumper, journals, and this box in my closet filled with papers and stuff from when i was little
[Something forbidden you have done that might even surprise your closest friends] hmmmm
[The appropriate age for having sex] when you're old enough to deal with the consequences
[The first time you had sex, you were how old] haven't
[Your most recent lie] umm can't rememebr
[A lie you tell yourself] things will work out
[A drug or alcoholic beverage you take on a regular basis] none
[If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to] umm i'm not sure
[What would your reaction be if your spouse or partner cheated on you] well if i HAD one... i'd be really really hurt and sad and confused
[A time you purposely hurt someone emotionally] i don't think anyone wants to purposely hurt someone ... none of my friends at least
[Which of your parents do you strongly resemble] mom
[If you didn't know your parents, you would choose these two famous people to take their place] uhh Johnny Depp can be my dad ... and ... uh .. Ann Wilson (from heart) can be my mom
[Something your parents did that you have never forgiven] they lied to me, but they dont know i know :(
[A trait you do not share with your siblings] being female
[Your least favorite relative] eh they're all pretty cool when they want to be
[Four traits you look for in a friend] kind, listens, humor, and caring
[The friend you have known for the longest time] all kindergarten - kala, jon, kelly, steph
[The friend you miss the most] my ya-ya's ... and allison
[A friend who makes you laugh] lol all of them
[A friend who you can tell anything] jenny
[A friend you can go to for advice] jenny, kala, ashley
[A friend you can flirt with] ...... the boys
[A friend you should not flirt with as much as you do] ... all of the boys
[A friend you should not have kissed] none
[A friend you may lose soon] aw i hope none
[An acquiantance you would like to make a friend] hmmm ... i'm happy with my friends
[A friend who has betrayed you] none really fully did
[A friend to whom you have something important to say, but have not yet had the courage] when i have something REALLY important, i usually say it
[Your 3 best qualities] like to laugh, like to go out and have fun, school smarts (though its getting worse and worse)
[Your 3 worst qualities] jumps to conclusions, makes assumptions (that are usually wrong), very emotional
[3 words that describe how others view you] good question....ask them
[3 words you would use to describe yourself] uhhh emotional, caring, thoughtful
[A special compliment that made you blush] tee hee
[An insult that made you burn] a LOT
[The animal that best describes you] pft. i dunno
[The greatest amount of physical pain you ever endured] ummm oh wow gosh ... uh ... when i ate a banana .. i know its pathetic sounding, but it seriously was the worst pain i ever felt ... it seriously felt like i was dying, like i was stabbed in the stomach and back
[Your best physical feature] eyes maybe
[At your best, you are most like this famous person] who knows
[At your worst, you are most like this famous person] i dunno
[Your most recent selfless act] not sure ... lol its not that i'm greedy or anything, i just don't feel like thinking
[3 people you consider to be geniuses] i dunno
[3 inventions you consider to be ingenius] uhhh the car, the lightbulb, and the telephone
[Your 3 favorite childhood toys or games] barbies, dolls, beanie babies
[3 words you often use when speaking] schweet, holy crap, oh my gosh
[3 sounds that disturb you] squeaking on chalkboard, continues tapping when i'm trying to sleep, someone cracking thier back
[3 lessons you have learned the hard way] *sigh* pass
[3 things you would never do] go through a dark alley at night, bungee jump, chase a bear
[3 things you would not allow your children to do] the things i'm afraid of (see above)
[3 things you have done in your life that you regret] pass please
[Your dream] have a famlily
[If you had the talent or the opportunity, you would] join a band
[Something you wish you could learn at the snap of your fingers] guitar
[Something you wish you could change about your life] knowing what i want to do after high school/college
[You want to retire at this age] when i have enough money and i am VERY sick of my job
[How do you plan to spend that last years of your life] what?? confused
[How would you like to spend the last few minutes of your life] happy
[At your funeral, you want people to remember you as] ... well ... me
[Something you dreamed that later happened or turned out to be true] a lot ... can't remember many specifics though
[The emotion you tend to hide the most] self-conciousness
[The emotion you seem to experience the most] confusion
[A moment you achieved absolute happiness] hmmm i'm not sure
[You would feel envious right now if] ... i dunno
[A piece of music that makes you sentimental] omg lots
[When you are happy, you need] to smile and make sure people know lol ... for example, the other day i got my english grade back for our benchmark and i was so happy that i literally fell out of my chair ... i didnt mean to, but it happened
[When you are sad, you need] to cry and talk to someone
[When you are nostalgic, you need] nostalgic? let me look that up ... oh i see, homesick ... a hug
[When you are angry, you need] vent to someone
[When you are lonely, you need] a friend
[When you are in love, you need] to be myself
[You would jump up and down with joy if someone told you] something good
[The last time you cried uncontrollably was when] i remember doing it, i just don't remember the day ... it was over the summer ... i literally cried all day ... i think i was PMSing or something
[A moment in your life when your emotions froze and you felt absolutely nothing] ... i'm sleeping
[You get angry with yourself when you] make a stupid mistake
[Your earliest memory] waiting for my dad to read me a story
[Describe your first paying job] daycare helper
[Describe your best paying job] see above
[You are haunted by the memory of] ... uh ... choking ... or almost burning the kitchen down lol
[A person who was exceptionally kind to you] my dad
[A person who made you miserable for a long time] .... pass
[A smell that reminds you of your childhood] thanksgiving at my grandmas ... or xmas
[A routine you remember from your childhood] eating dinner together
[Your greatest fear] being alone
[A crime or natural disaster you were a victim of] nothing i don't think
[A sickness or disease you fear] cancer or aids
[A reason for which you would seriously contemplate suicide] i wouldn't
[When people first meet you, you are afraid they will think] i'm too weird
[Your greatest fear about aging] being alone, having a job i'll hate
[Your greastest fear about marriage] that it won't work out
[Your greastest fear about having children] that i won't have any
[A plan or project you worry may fail] ... marriage and kids
[Something on your mind you are afraid to share] .... hmmm ...
[When you really want to get to know someone, you say or ask] depends on the person
[The largest age difference you have had in a relationship] 5 months
[Who was younger] me.
[Something someone said or did that you found extremely attractive] compliments are attractive lol
[Something someone said or did that you found frighteningly unattractive] oh gosh
[A saying you've heard about men or women that you believe is true] boys are stupid
[A physical trait you find attractive] eyes
[An intellectual ability you find attractive] ummm quick-wit
[A personality trait you find attractive] humor
[You are irritated when people ask you] "are you finished yet" ... does it LOOK like i'm finished?
[You love it when people ask you] lol i dunno.
[Your secret passion] eh
[Your longest grudge] i can't hold grudges ... i just can't, i'm too forgiving
[A type of person you don't seem to get along with] people who constantly complain and can't have fun or do anything for themselves
[You and your spouse or partner argue about this issue often] n/a
[What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship] *sigh*
[What you dislike most about having a committed relationship] *more sighs*
[If you could change one law] abortion would be illegal
[If you could erase one memory] NONE!!!
[If you had extra money] i would save it ... i know, how dumb
[If you could bring one person back from the dead] grandma helene or grandma thompson
[If you could start all over] i wouldn't
[Your current philosophy] don't feel like thinking, sorry
[Something you learned this week] mark is a pretty cool person ... he likes the same music as me
[Your most important goal right now] get past 10th grade
[The best word to describe your love life] non-existant.
[The best word to describe your job] lol if i had a real one...
[Your biggest obstacle right now] uhhh ... chemistry ... lol
[The most important thing in life] friends
[The last person you said "I love you" to] my mom