james-not shelley_comfortzone_February 7 2005, 10:54:06 UTC
This is James...WTF is up with you? All you do is bitch and moan about other people, when the person in need of a bitch out is yourself. FUCK you. Mmkay? Take that biatch. With all this bitching, and moaning, I am tempted to offer some cheese for your whine. Take that back, want some cheese for your whine? Because you need some. Dear Lord. Go eat a whole pound of cheese and your sadness will go away. If you really feel like telling these people off...Do so to their fucking face say they can just point and laugh. Dear Lord. Look in a mirror before crying, cause when I look at you it is all I do.
let me just get one thing straight_comfortzone_February 7 2005, 22:41:44 UTC
it's not my fault that addison doesnt want to be with you anymore, so stop blaming me, i'm not the one who cheated on him, and broke up with him, if you regret your decisiosn the only person you have to blame is yourself...james is right, go look in a mirror, i never did anything mean to you, the only reason im abstaining from being friends with you, is because i know how you feel about addison, and i know how i feel about addison, and im not in the mood for all the drama, i feel like a pretty genuine person, if someone asks my opinion, i will tell it straight, and im going to assume other people are doing the same thing, so when you write me a note basically telling me that I'M a bad friend, and fuck off and im such a bitch and i should avoid you as much as possible etc etc...then im gonna take it that's how you really feel, that was your choice, not mine, then tow days later you say you're sorry and you want to be friends? i dun think so, sorry, not after that note, so anyways, back to my point, this entire series of events has all
( ... )
Re: let me just get one thing straightfallenwillowFebruary 8 2005, 12:55:28 UTC
right you are not the person who broke up with him, but the person whose advice i followed. well i see you as a bad friend, hence why the note said that. i changed my mind two days later, and decided i wanted things to better, but sorry that seemed like i was being a bitch or something.not once have i said to anyone how my life is so deepressing, i cant help the way i feel being seen by others. doesnt matter bc i dont care what others think anymore. i do have all the power to make things better and thats what i have been trying to do, but everyone sees me as being bitchy, so i guess i will just have to be a bitch and be happy.
oh and since when did we become all i dont like drugs??? i thouhgt you smoked like a chimney anyway.
Comments 6
Look in a mirror before crying, cause when I look at you it is all I do.
oh and since when did we become all i dont like drugs??? i thouhgt you smoked like a chimney anyway.
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