The next thing that happened was about a little more than a year later, I had found out that my cousin had died from a drug overdose. I wasn't really close to him, but it was still sad. My aunt took it really bad and became really depressed. Her oldest son had died.
This is going to be really long, just to tell you. So if you don't want to read it, then don't! But i am putting it into sections..SO OK
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I had a chorus concert yesterday!! i was awesome!!!!!!! Trinity Pawling was awesome!!!! they have the best voices ever...hmmm very good
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Created by emptiiwiishez and taken 60 times on bzoink! Of your friends, who is the/can you..LoudestRachelFunniestRachelPrettiestno clueMost naivesandy lolBest singeramyBest listenerRACHEL! AND HELEN!Longest knownRachelOldestKimSmartestumm..Megan?DitziestRACHELTallestHenryShortestEmilyWould do anything for youno one bc no one loves me :(Call
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