DGM DR: CR Chart; updated 08.08.2011

Dec 02, 2005 00:00


I don't trust you

Stay away from me

An enemy

An acquaintance

A friend

Part of my world

A deeper love

I would fight for you

I would die for you

★ It doesn't seem worth much these days, but I would give my life to protect him. There are no tortures I wouldn't undergo if I could spare him that pain. I owe him that much after the things I've done.


Allen Walker
★ It's silly. We talk very little and dance with each other. It's almost enough to make me forget that this sort of thing can only happen here.


Allen Walker
★ He saved me. Even after I ostracized him, and even after I tried to pin all my fears and frustrations and blame on who he is... he saved me from hell. The real traitor here is me, am I right...?


Allen Walker
★ We get along so well when he's human. It almost seemed as if I were looking at a future that could have been, if not for the war. I wonder if we will still be friends when he becomes a vampire again.


★ Is it all right to consider him a friend when I know so little about him? I don't even know what he is. Am I that desperate to see the Allen I know in people like him that I ignore what I shouldn't? He has the same friendly face that so many Allens have, but... I feel that there's still something feral underneath that.


★ We're so... different. As much as he is the Lavi I remember, he's a complete stranger, too. There's so much he hasn't seen yet, and maybe that's why he can always keep a smiling face. I wish that didn't make me feel so weak in comparison.


★ I will protect him.


Lenalee Lee
★ She deserves the life she has here. Her world... this is it. Brother is the only piece, and... Brother is here. At her home, he isn't yet, I don't think. So who am I to try and say 'that place is better'?


Lenalee Lee
★ She's... me. The me I used to be, I mean. I want to protect her, not just because she's from my past, but because when she arrived here, she was ready to die for our world. I remember being that person. The person who had no hope left besides that one final moment. I don't want her to be that person, too. How am I supposed to act?


Miranda Lotto
★ She's so sad. Whenever I spend time with her, I want to do my best to make her smile. It's so hard, though. She talks about things I can't relate to, because I've never been in the same situations as her.


★ I wish I could face life-- both here and at home-- with as much strength as she does. I don't know if she realizes how much it means that she'll let me go on patrol with her.


Yu Kanda
★ My surrogate Kanda. It's selfish, right? To call him such a thing. But for as long as I'm here, can't I be at least a little selfish and call him mine? I don't want to let him go. Not yet.


Yu Kanda
★ He's a special person to me, but we're... on opposite sides of the war. Am I betrayed? ...I don't know anymore. I hate this war and I hate that it makes us choose sides. I want to forget it all as long as I'm here.


Secretary Leverrier

This isn't...


Allen Walker
★ He will never be Allen to me. Just someone wearing his face. I know nothing I say will ever change the things he's done or how pious he thinks his actions are, so there is nothing left for me to say to him. I never want to see him again.


★ A rude, vulgar child. He says he's left the Noah Family behind, as if that should change my opinion. I don't care; he still treats the war like a game and all the people in it like we have the choice of participating. It's never that simple.


Tyki Mikk

★ I'm in his debt.


Tyki Mikk
★ He asks uncomfortable questions. It's as if he knows all the right buttons to push. I wish I knew why I suffer through them.



ooc: relationships, ooc: dgmdressroom

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