Title: Lighter Days
Fandom: Rent -- Inmates-verse
Pairing: Mark/Roger
Rating: PG
Notes: Day 4! Still playing catch up. I don't think I'll make it tonight. Inmates ficlet.
So much of the day is spent trying to interpret, to understand what the other is not saying, to read the silences between the words and take comfort in all that they can find in them.
Like when Roger says that he knows a great bar in Soho that plays only the best music and serves cold beer that is inexpensive but in no way cheap, it’s a promise that someday he’ll take Mark there. And when Mark explains that the way to tell his identical twin nieces apart is that one has a freckle on her upper lip, it’s so that Roger will know which is which when he meets them.
They make promises to each other that even Collins doesn’t pick up on, slip reassurances into everyday conversation, and at night, when even whispers aren’t safe, they find ways to convey their meaning.