i have 10 days left here. i am more nervous than i haeve ever been before in my life. why couldnt i have stayed in north carolina forever? that is where i am meant to be.
i love and miss you very much . . .next yr will be hard because i immagine i will either be an co-ediitor or the editor in cheif . . .i donno if ii can handle all that on top of the skedjule ill have . . . its gonna be the toughtest thing . . . but i don't think i told you . . . i went from a very low F in 2nd semester geometry durring the summer school to a B !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG . . . you have no idea what a ** . .B . .** means to me!!Its always been like rocket sience . . . but i struggled my butt off because i really really wanted to suceed no matter whart it took so, i stayed after school 5hrs or 4 hrs every day almost for the last two weeks of summer school . . .and i ended up taking 4 tests in the last 2days . . . and i immagine i did wonderful on the final . . . i spent all of but the last 5min taking my time going throught every problem . . . in which we have a 2hr class per . . . i hope your proud of me because i really feel inteligent for the first time . . . i felt on top of the world . . . and then to top
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