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Jan 02, 2007 07:07

So, at the end of the year 2004, I took a survey reflecting upon the year. At the end of 2005, I compared the answers with 2004 with the answers to 2005. Now this year, I am going to take the survery again and reflect upon 2006 to the answers from 2005 and 2004.

001. What did you do in 2005 that you'd never done before?
2004 :I said I loved you and I actually meant it
2005: I entered a new chapter of my life. Highschoooooolz.

002. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
2004: Well last year i said i wasnt going to eat meat, then Jan. 2 i ate taco bell with Molly. So thats a no. But this year will definetly be to work out more and to give up pop.
2005: Hell no. Haha, I drink pop a hell of a lot. This year my new years resolution would definetly be to study more and spend a little less time on the computer.
2006: No, I didn't whatsoever. And I am going to actually go through this my resolution this year. It's going to be to study and focus more on school, and to not regret as much. This time next year, I will be a junior which means I will be a senior. I have no time to regret!

003. Did someone close to you give birth?
2004: Yes, my cousin Lisa had a baby girl.
2005: For some reason I want to say yes, But I dont think so.
2006: Ummm.. my co-worker, Tommie. She gave birth to a girl named Cheyenne and she's the cutest baby I have ever seen in my life

004. Did anyone close to you die?
2004: Yes. My Mom's best friend.
2005: Fortunetly, no one close to me died. But most unfortunate, family members of close friends past away.
2006: Yes. My best friend's dad past away, who was also my second Dad in late October.

005. What countries did you visit?
2004: The USA?
2005: I went shopping in Cananda.
2006: FUCKING CANADA FOR FRENCH CLASS. fuck yeah fuck yeah.

006. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
2004: More chances. Chances for anything really. For new friends, new experiences, etc. I just have to give things more chances or else i could be missing out on what i may like.
2005: I would like to have and create more experiences and memories. Thats all I really care about right now... especially in my first year of Highschool.
2006: I want to spend more time doing things productive for my future, really. I feel like I am not prepared enough. I need to focus more.

007.what date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Last Year: I cant really say my bat mitzvah like everyone else because that was in 2003. So id have to say July 4th. my favorite holiday.
This Year: July 3rd. Oh boy.
2006: Errrrmm.. December 29th. or 28th. But I think the 29th more. =)=)=)

008. What was your biggest achievement(s) of the year?
2004: Just having the most meaningful relationship of my life.
2005: Haha crowd surfing. I never thought I could do it. Ha, Id really like a better answer to this but all of my achievments werent so great.. this just came to mind first.
2006: I became close with so many people, and I know that these friendships will stay strong. I hope I can count that as an achievment, and if not WELL I FUCKING GOT A CAR.

009. What was your biggest failure(s)?
2004: "Hmm. There was a few, but you only learn from the mistakes."-Kailey
2005: Same answer.
2006: Same answer. bahaha.

010. Did you suffer illness or injury?
2004: PMS should be an illness.
2005: Umm.. in 8th grade Sean Bennett and I collided playing football and I sprained my wrist, I fell on my ankle during vollyball and it was a small sprain, and I got the stomach flu at Leas house and was sick for 5 days and lost 8 pounds.
2006: I had a bladder infection, A stomach-eating-stomach, and strep throat

011. What was the best thing you bought?
2004: "A shirt that says 'I love Ron' with the hottness of Ronald Weasley."

012. Whose behavior merited celebration?
2004: No one i can think of.
2005: I dont think so.
2006: Lizzy graduated! and My cousin and her fiance' got married!

013. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
2004: The only time i was depressed, was when Nate and I broke up. So i would say my own behavior. If i was different, we could still be together. But im not. So.. yea, me.
2005: Wow, I rather wouldnt say.
2006: N + eight.

014. Where did most of your money go?
2004: 12 oaks.
2005: Concerts/Concert Tickets.
2006: Shows, Shopping.

015. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
2004: There are too many to count.
2005: Oh boy. Err camp, sceaking out, Warped Tour, and My Chemical Romance.
2006: Brand New. Turning 16. December 29th =)

016. What song will always remind you of 2006?
2004: Just my Imagination. - Temptations
2005: Helena - My Chemical Romance, California - Copeland
2006: We fly High - Jim Jones

017. Compared to this time last year, are you
I. happier or sadder? 2004: Happier 2005: Sadder 2006:Happier
II. thinner or fatter? 2004: Same 2005: I lost a lot of weight due to camp, then I gained it all back. So I stayed the same. 2006: Thinner.. kinda.

018. What do you wish you'd done more of?
2004: Loving
2005: Socializing.
2006: I wish I had been more nicer. I realize i've become very outspoken lately. I have to shut the fuck up sometimes.

019. What do you wish you'd done less of?
2004: Loving - in a different situation
2005: Talking.. haha.
2006: Myspacing. Jesus. This is the year of the facebook!

020. How did you/will you be spend(ing) Christmas?
2004: With my family.
2005: Same answer.
2006: Same answer, with no snow.

022. Did you fall in love in 2005?
2004: Oh, yea.
2005: No.
2006: No, but I need some lovin'

023. How many one-night stands?
2004: nada
2005: Same answer.
2006: a gabillion.. pah!

024. What was your favorite TV program?
2004: "Anything on vh1 or comedy comedy central. I love snl, also."
2005: Gilmore Girls, LAW AND ORDER: SVU!!!!!!
2006: Family guy, Scrubs.

025. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
2004: Nope, i still hate the same people.
2005: There are always going to be a few who i really dont like and would have nothing to due with.
2006: Oh.. yeah.

026. What was the best book you read?
2004: I thought my father was God.
2005: To Kill A Mockingbird, or Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
2006: Requiem for a Dream

027. What was your greatest musical discovery?
2004: The Postal Service.
2005: TOO MANY BANDS. MCR, The Album Leaf, Panic! At the disco, etc.
2006: Dude.. my music taste sucked last year. The best musical discovery this year would be Tilly and the Wall, Saosin, and The Album Leaf.

028. What did you want and get?
2004: Harry Potter PoA dvd
2005: Digital Camera and iPod.
2006: Cell Phoneeeeeeeeee.

029. What did you want and not get?
2004: I think i'm alright.
2005: Cell Phone.
2006: My license.

030. Favorite film of this year?
2004: MEAN gIrLs!!!111!!!11@!!@!# mmm... im not sure. The Notebook? Oh god, what a tear jerker.
2005: Harrrrry Potttttter
2006: Requiem for a Dream, and Clerks 2.

031. What one thing would have your year immeasurably more satisfying?
2004: I think im alright with the big in '04
2006: Love.

032. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2005?
2004: Depends on what mood i was in.
2005: Bohemian skirts and overtights.
2006: Track jackets, overtights, and vests with fur on them

033. What kept you sane?
2004: Friends.
2005: Friends and Music.
2006: Friends, Music, and taking pictures.

034. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
2004: Rupert Grint.
2005: Mikey Way, Rupert Grint.
2006: William Beckett, Ryan Ross

035. What political issue stirred you the most?
2004: That redneck with a hidden agenda should not be president.
2005: How the government was not involved with Hurrican Katrina.. but celebrities were. haha.
2006: Democrats basically rule the country now. Hoorah!

036. Who do you miss?
2004: Robbie Herman.
2005: Andy Langberg, and Jake Amber.
2006: Jeriah, Tim, David Baum.

037. Who was the best new person you met?
2004: Chelsea Williams
2005: Amanda Mitchell, Julia Whal.
2006: Natalie Gersabeck, Andrea Schere.

038. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006:
2004: Dont blame yourself for everything. There are ways around it. All you have to do is think properly.
2005: Keep your friends close.
2006: Same answer.

039. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
2004: Its just my imagination running away with me.
2005: The distance ripped us farther and farther and farther away. Ill see you soon if your coming back this way again.
2006: You know that you are not alone, I need you like water in my lungs.
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