reapparitions are hamlet's affair;

May 06, 2012 19:14

I have done all the things. April is always an exceedingly busy month on my end, but this year, for some reason, it was exceptionally so.

I've signed up for holmestice (because another deadline is just what I need), submitted my end-of-year dissertation's first draft to my study director (which is due in June, because more deadlines! mother of god), saw a ( Read more... )

julia stone, i was not expecting this!, fandom is a safe corner of my brain, writing;, james baldwin, shakespeare, what is this work you speak of, oh wondrous thing, look at all the amazing, the university chronicles, avengers, these things books, this fucking city, this city you guys

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Comments 31

fireblazie May 6 2012, 19:26:02 UTC

Avengers oh my god that movie makes me so happy I want to cry. I've never actually had that much fun at the movies before! Maybe we just had a particularly good crowd - we were all cheering and clapping at all the parts. All of them! I'm cheap, though (and so are my friends), so we went to the regular 2D showing. Though I might go again for the 3D premiere, if mother feels like paying extra... :D

And King's College in London, that's absolutely fantastic, I'm so happy for you! Will you be studying there all of next year, then? (I'm also insanely jealous. I want to travel, so much ;_; I think I should've signed up for a study abroad program instead of focusing so much on simply graduating on time. Le sigh ( ... )


falling_voices May 7 2012, 10:27:14 UTC
IT WAS SO MUCH FUN. Natasha was amazing and Bruce was fskal,lmad;s I'm always angry and Loki's little ... That usually works and I missed you too (which, by the way, unexpectedly shipping Thor/Loki on my end, what) and Tony with his massive inferiority issues and coming to grips with Steve and then dropping their entire fight to combat together, just; I wasn't expecting to like it so much. It was such a massive amount of explosions and emotions tweaked together just right.

Yes, I am, and yes, I will; September through June, if everything goes according to plan. (COME TO ENGLAND. I love that I can say this now.)

Read it, seriously. It's hauntingly beautiful.

I can imagine - tbh, I can't imagine what my life would be if it was all science and no literature, so what you're telling me here sounds like the stuff of nightmares. Hold on, babe. ♥ (also! feel free to bother me if you feel fed up with science and uni work and you want to talk about English lit or fandom stuff, you know you're always welcome.)


fireblazie May 7 2012, 21:01:46 UTC
YES YES, THE MOST FUN EVER! I just, I loved them all. Especially Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk (which seems to be the general consensus among the fans). And Tom Hiddleston's growing on me - he's got a pretty generous fan following, and at first I didn't really get it, but after the interviews I've caught on Youtube... yeah, I totally get it :D Also, I sort of ship everyone with everyone, ahaha. After browsing through the Avengers section on AO3, it seems the others do too! (Clint/Coulson seems to be a popular pairing, and I'm not sure why? Did they have a moment in the movie that I missed ( ... )


falling_voices May 8 2012, 20:04:01 UTC
I was blown away by Ruffalo's acting. No one was expecting him to be this good, I gather, or to give such depth to a character that had previous been rather under- or ill-represented, but he gave the Banner the perfect twist of humanity and humility he needed to make him stand out. & yeah, I didn't quite get the passion for Hiddles at first, but it turns out he's just one of the most adorable creatures on earth. Loki'd! Bless. ♥

(And you will be most welcome! Come to Londonnnn.)

Ngg, that sounds. Harsh. Here, more Baldwin to balance it out, some:

"He stood up, standing in the center of the room, under the light, looking at me. I stood up, too, half-smiling, but also, in some strange, dim way, a little frightened.

'Viens m'embrasser,' he said ( ... )


veronamay May 6 2012, 21:53:25 UTC
Oh hey, London! Well, now I hate you. I went on holiday to London in 1997, and I have been wanting to go back there ever since. (Congratulations, though. That is awesome for you.)

Avengers is exactly that much fun even after the first flush of excitement wears off; I watched it again last night and loved all the same things. Also, spend some time on YouTube watching interviews. That is one lovable cast, seriously.

Do you accept book recs? Because if you do, I would recommend 'The Vintner's Luck' by Elizabeth Knox and 'Slow Water' by Annamarie Jagose.


falling_voices May 7 2012, 10:30:49 UTC
Thank you! ♥ Studying there has been a great wish of mine for years now, so I'm rather stunned and completely delighted that it's coming through to actually happening.

Speaking of interviews, I find myself unexpectedly loving Tom Hiddleston. He's adorable! he loves Loki more than anyone! (by the way, you were absolutely right about the amount of badassery Natasha exhibits in this. Did you see they're planning a Black Widow movie?)

I always accept book recs. Never hesitate; and thank you! I'll be checking these out when I'm done with Baldwin.


veronamay May 7 2012, 10:39:20 UTC
I really wish I could jump on the Hiddleston bandwagon. He seems lovely and adorable, but sadly he (and Loki) does nothing at all for me. Ah well, he's not exactly lacking in the fan department!

Yes, a Black Widow movie! That will be excellent. I want ALL the Avengers backstory movies now. Yes, even another Hulk. Mostly because I saw Eric Bana's one and it was hideous, and I want Mark Ruffalo to fix it.


falling_voices May 7 2012, 12:20:55 UTC
I really enjoyed Loki's villainry. He's an interesting character - not as much of a sympathetic one as most of his stans make him out to be, but a layered villain, anyway.

Mark Ruffalo! ♥ he was excellent. I was expecting the Hulk to be the least interesting character to me, and I did adore Natasha, especially, as well as Coulson and what little we saw of Pepper and everything Tony, but Ruffalo made Bruce Banner into so much more than a brutal monster (and had these delightful little bros moments with Tony, that was lovely).


maikichelorrain May 7 2012, 07:27:09 UTC
Bravo pour l'admission à Erasmus :D.
Vous vous barrez tous à Londres... enfin, ça donne une excuse pour venir vous voir :p

Encore bravo (et survis! Go go toiiiiiii)


falling_voices May 7 2012, 10:35:43 UTC
Merci, chérie! ♥ Je viendrai probablement me plaindre souvent ici pendant les deux-trois premiers mois, ça risque d'être un peu difficile de s'adapter à une toute nouvelle atmosphère.

À part un ou deux, tous mes amis proches sont partis de Paris, hélas. :(


maikichelorrain May 8 2012, 17:34:59 UTC
Tous mes amis LJ parisiens s'en vont, c'est étrange :/a.


falling_voices May 8 2012, 20:07:21 UTC
Peut-être parce que Paris devient de plus en plus cher? Rien que trouver un studio à louer te coûte des millions. :( (Anecdote: une amie à moi a récemment pu acheter un 14 mètres carrés - et uniquement grâce à un héritage, sinon elle n'aurait jamais été capable de trouver quelque chose - au prix que mes parents ont payé pour leur appartement actuel il y à 17 ans.)


ningen_demonai May 7 2012, 09:43:36 UTC
About when are you going to London?


falling_voices May 7 2012, 10:36:03 UTC
September. I'll stay there until June or so. Why?


ningen_demonai May 7 2012, 10:43:55 UTC
Ah, damn. Google Infinity Mirror Room at Tate Modern. It's purty.


falling_voices May 7 2012, 12:16:18 UTC
Oh, wow, that's gorgeous. Though tbh, I think there'll be enough to see there that I won't miss having seen it too much. :D


barcavolio May 8 2012, 19:03:29 UTC
London is a wonderful city, and although I don't live there any more I kinda miss it sometimes. I'd make a huge list of Suggested Places to Go but maybe that would be overkill... I'm sure you will have AN AMAZING TIME and hopefully get used to the Underground quickly :P


falling_voices May 8 2012, 20:10:32 UTC
I've already been a couple of times, so hopefully I will be able to manoeuvre around the Underground :D but I'll miss the Parisian métro, which, for all its faults, is quite well-organized and clean.

I would certainly appreciate a short list of must-sees, though, if you ever get the time? if there's anything non-touristy that's a particular favourite of yours, for instance. ♥


barcavolio May 9 2012, 09:34:27 UTC
Yeah, the Underground is kinda scuzzy, but it's not too difficult to figure out, unless you're the madwoman whom I was in London with recently who can't figure out the system and doesn't understand that three different lines go from Paddington to King's Cross and it doesn't matter which you take -_ ( ... )


falling_voices May 11 2012, 23:21:48 UTC
Dear me. Thank you! ♥ I've been to a few of these, but I'd never heard of Peckham High Street, only very passingly of Brick Lane, and I've never gone to either the Churchill Tea Rooms or Dulwich Park. I'll be sure to check these out. :D

also, st james' park is ♥.


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