
Oct 01, 2008 18:07

John and I were job offered......for different jobs....and we didn't even interview!!!
our prayers were answered!!!

looks like Tampa here we come!
keep your fingers crossed!

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Comments 7

playwithlights October 2 2008, 00:20:45 UTC
Congrats and Goodluck! :)


fallinginlove October 2 2008, 00:49:00 UTC
Thanks so much...we've been working on getting down there..and it was totally out of the blue!

p.s. i've been meaning to comment on how beautiful your daughter is...


playwithlights October 2 2008, 03:50:51 UTC
Thank you! Her birthday is tomorrow (in about 9 min!) I can't believe she is one already. I have no idea where the time went! Before I know it Gages birthday will be here and he will be 3!!


fallinginlove October 2 2008, 14:19:16 UTC
holy crap...where does the time go?

i swear i still somedays think..what happened to that 20 year old little girl?

it's amazing how much time flys when you "grow" up!


idreamincolour October 27 2008, 02:30:35 UTC
TAMPA?! Really?! :) Where will you be working?


fallinginlove October 27 2008, 15:45:53 UTC
I'll be working at Best Buy.. I am taking over as a store manager there... I saw that you were in Lakeland now...that's not terribly far from there! We should get together!


idreamincolour October 31 2008, 03:57:42 UTC
I totally agree. :) Congratulations! I'll message you my phone number!


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