Icon tutorial

Jun 17, 2006 20:40

How to make eight icons in less than 20 steps. [Featuring Marcia Cross]

01. Start with a blank canvas of 100x100 pixels.

02. I start by making a nice crop from this picture.

Looks okay, doesn't it? I find that interesting cropping is the key to making good icons.

03. I make a copy of the layer (CTRL+SHIFT+A) and paste it (CTRL+V). Then I do auto-contrast (CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+L) on that level. I could do auto-levels, but I find that that often changes the colours drastically and makes things slightly green/blue.

The auto-contrast makes the image slightly lighter. Yay.

04. I duplicate layer 2, and set it on soft light. Woah, red. Yet I do like the extra contrast it gives.

05. I create a new layer between layer 2 and the copy of layer 2. I fill it with black, and set it on Color. That looks nice, but a little too muted, so I drop the opacity down to 75%.

If you like this colouring, stop here. If not, move on to the next step.

06. I create another layer between layer 3 and layer 2 copy. I fill it with #BFAA88. I then set this layer (layer 4) onto Darken mode.

If you like how this looks, stop here. If not... move on!

07. I then decide to see what it would look like with my top layer blurred. I could do this in two ways.

07a. I try Gaussian Blur on the top layer.


That looks nice, but let's try another method too.

07b. I try Smart Blur on the top layer.


I think I prefer the second method; I like how it makes her hair look on her shoulder. And, as before, if you like this look, you can stop here.

08. I select the colour #8B442E, and draw a circle of it. To draw a circle, select the ellipse tool, and hold down shift while dragging the shape. I then filled it in.

09. I position my circle somewhere that makes me happy (ahem!) and set that layer on Screen.

10. That looks quite nice, but the circle does look a little silly. So I open the text tool, and add some text. (The font is Monika, size 20, in #F5E0C7.)

And then I decide that the circle + text thing looks silly. So I scrap those two layers, and try something new.

11. I choose the colour #5F054B, and paint a bit of that on, using a 200pt brush. I set it on Lighten.

That's nice.

12. I decide to shove a little light texture on there. What's that, you say? Light textures are so 2005? Who cares?! So, I pick my favourite light texture, by angry_kangaroo, and set it on Lighten.


That's pretty cool. We could stick around with that. But... one last idea!

13. I create a new 100x100 canvas.

14. I create a new 80x80 canvas. I choose a good colour - #6B3B2C. I select the blank canvas (CTRL+A), and go to the Stroke tool - it's under Edit.


15. I copy and paste the 80x80 square into the 100x100 square.

16. I go back to my original icon. Ooh, it's still pretty.

17. I take out the purple layer, because it looks a bit too... purple. No duh. Hey, that could easily be an icon too.

18. I resize the icon to be 74x74 pixels. Aww, it's a baby. *buys it some bootees*

19. I select the entire icon (CTRL+SHIFT+C), and paste it into the pretty 100x100 containing 80x80 square.

And that'll do too.

So, there you have it. Numerous icons, in less than 20 steps!


tutorials: icons

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