I dont mean to offend anyone, but I choose life :) No one has to believe what I believe, but just read the facts, they speak for themselves.
From the moment of conception, the exact split second when the male sperm joins the female egg and attaches to the lining of your womb, the new being is begun! The cells multiply rapidly.The new baby will have 46 chromosones in each cell, with 23 coming from the mother and 23 coming from the father.The blueprint for the design of the baby (by God) is contained in the genes on the chromosones, including the sex of baby, color of skin,hair and eyes,shape of face,height and body build, natural talents.
The new being will be well way on the way to recognizable human form by the time the mother realizes she has missed her period! (Conception occurs two weeks after the last menstrual period.) On the 25th day after conception, the baby's heart begins to beat. A distinctive brain in a large skull is recognizable and tiny eyes can be seen. By the 4th week after fertilization (conception) the organs of the baby are developing and the ears and nose appear. The baby's face is taking shape, and the gut (bowel) is forming also. By this time, the new human being is only 1/4 of an inch long and weighs less than one ounce but is still completely human. At this point, the new being is called an embryo by medical professionals.
At 42 days after conception, a baby has recordable brain waves and can bend his or her legs, stretch and jump about. The bones are forming.
By the time the baby is 7 weeks old in the mother's womb, s/he will have grown to one inch long. At 8 weeks, the new being will be called a "fetus". At this age, the major organs, the pituitary,the thyroid, the adrenals, are formed. Eyelids from and grow but are sealed shut. Ears, ankles and wrists are formed, and fingers and toes develop.At the end of the second month, the baby is a little over an inch long and will still weigh less than one counce.The placenta is now well developed and will nourish the baby and provide oxygen.
At 8 weeks after conception, a baby can turn her or his head, suck the thumbs,and respond to pain by movement. The baby's hands and feet are miniature but perfect by this time.
By the third month, (end of the first trimester) of the pregnancy, the baby is fully formed but scrawny.The baby will be 2-3 inches long and weigh a little more than one ounce.The sex organs develop. Teeth buds appear in the mouth. The baby begins to practice breathing by making breathing movements, and will swallow amniotic fluid. The muscles in the bowel contract and relax just as if the baby was ingesting food. Kidneys develop and excrete urine into the baby's bladder. Skeletal muscles are working and the baby begins to move about often.
The second trimester, months 4-6 of pregnancy, for the baby is spent maturing and gaining weight. By the fifth month, the baby will weigh about 8 ounces and be six inches long. S/he will be strong enough to kick the mother's abdomen.This kicking has traditionally been called "quickening". The technological advances, including the new 3D/4D ultrasound developed in the UK, have proved beyond a shadow of doubt that the human baby moves about, feels pain, responds to emotions, and continues growing.
By the 12th week, the mother will be able to hear the baby's heartbeat with the use of a doppler. It will sound like swish,swish, swish, and very fast. By the end of the sixth month, the baby develops "lanugo", very fine, and soft downy hair all over the body and coarse hair on the head. By the end of the 7th month, the baby will be 14-17 inches long and weigh about 2 pounds. By 8 months, the baby will weigh 3-4 pounds and. These babies born before full term are often saved without any bad side effects.
During the last month of pregnancy, surfactant, a substance which lines the lungs and allows them to expand more easily, develops.Fat accumulates on the baby making the baby appear more like a newborn. By birth the baby will be from 20-22 inches long and will weigh 7-8 pounds.The bones of the head are soft and pliable so the head can move easily through the birth canal. The baby will settle into position ready for birth, usually curled up with knees to nose and thighs pulled up tight, against the chest, and head down. At 40 weeks, the baby will be full term and labor will commence on its own, when the baby is ready. When the baby is fully developed, the cervix of the womb (mouth) opens gradually with contractions until it is open wide enough for the baby to pass through, and out into the world.