Yasmin's Homecomming!

Apr 01, 2010 13:07

So the dollie I ordered back in JANUARY arrived today. :D So now it's time for box opening photos. Huzzah!

The shipping box had definitely seen better days. I was mildly worried to see that the USPS had taped parts of it back up due to the box getting sliced. T_T

But inside, everything looked okay.

Out of the box.

Everything was taped up with this really adorable polka dot tape. X3


Inside the box I got some paper goodies. <3


And then when I took off the foam... THIS was how she was laying. o.O;; Now... I've never ordered a full set doll before... but I sort of expected her head to already be attached. :S

Upon closer inspection, I found that the place in the headcap that I would expect the s hook to go still had resin in it. :S :S

Just rested her head on the s hook to take this photo. Not actually attached.

The dress!

The underthings and cute little cape.

The sleeping head which I'll probably never do anything with.

The shoes. :D

I futzed with trying to attach the s hook to the headcap for a while... but she was just strung way too tight, and I wasn't getting anywhere. So I took the lazy way out and used a rubberband to attach her head to her body. :B Because of that, her head is a little on the loose side. Maybe when I start playing with her a little more her strings will loosen up and I can attach her headcap properly.

Then I took her out the backyard for some photos!

NO, it's not a crack... just a really obnoxious seam line that didn't get sanded down. D:

So yeah. That's Yasmin. My Bambicrony Brava Bambi tan Emily... fullset. All in all, I totally adore her. The tan colour in the resin is goooooooooooorgeous.. very similar to Chakri's skintone. I'm not thrilled that they didn't attach her head before shipping her, but I'll live.

box opening pictures, yasmin

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