An Emo rant by the man

Feb 22, 2005 21:06

So i should start tis emo rant with a little context of my life(actually its the only way i know how to get started). I'm home pretty much everynight. I'm home pretty much everyweekend working in the yard for my parents. i do the dishes pretty much everynight. I have a 3.3 GPA pretty damn good. ok so its not a 4.0, but that doesnt matter. My room is pretty much spotless and alot of you can attest to that. i think i have the cleanest room for a 17 year old boy. I get up at 5:30, get ready and catch a bus at 6:39 all on my own. I'm up and out of the house before my parents are. I'd have a job if i had a reliable ride there. I'd say im pretty damn responsible for a 17 year old boy. Not according to my parents. I leave some dirty clothes from the day/night before on my floor which i plan on picking up when i get home. OMG IM THE MOST IRRESPONSIBLE PERSON IN THE FUCKING WORLD!!! I guess i track in a little dirt. which would normaly be a little slap on the wrist. ok my bad ill clean it up, but we recently had our carpets cleaned(They look exactly the same) so everything is blown out of porportion and they treat it like i do it all the time. Wanna know where the dirt came from? the bottom of my shoes. wanna know how it got there? i was working in the yard for them. There's no positive reenforcement by my parents. I do something good, theres no way to go, or congrats or lets go have ice cream. Its all negative reenforcement. i get punished for doing or not doing something. Lets give an example. Recently i cut up and bagged about 5 huge piles of tree trimmings for my parents. They didnt say thanks, they didnt do anything. I'd be all happy and jolly for a thanks dan. I get 2 A's and 2 B's on my report card. Theres no Nice job on the two A's. its a" Why arent these B's A's? You can do better" its not like they are 80's either. they are 88's 89's 87's and the likes. or if i do manage to get straight A's , its a " Why arent these all 100's?" Theres no pleasing them. If some how i would manage to get 100's its all the school's fault for not putting me in harder classes. They could be the hardest classes in the entire world. Yet still no congradulations dan.
Last night i was told that the pool and the surrounding decks were my responsiblity. If i dont do them, i get my car taken away. See id have a problem with that and do it if i had a car. but i dont so their argument is invalid. I wouldnt care normaly if their argument was invalid but our pool pump doesnt like to work, so it wont run, so doing anything to the pool is pointless. theres 10000 of plants on the pool deck, all my responsiblility. the plants make huge messes, all my responsiblility. if it was my responsibility for the plants, dont you think i should have say on how many plants are there, NOPE, my mom just likes to add more. If i were to take care of the pool and subsequent resposiblities, i wouldnt get anything. They would just find something else for me to do like cleaning the house. which if i took care of and didnt continue taking care of the pool, id get in trouble.

I'd normaly just talk to the one person i can, my sister, about it but she lives in tallahasse and my eldest sister who lives in the house does nothing and still complains treats me like im still 6. I'm not talking to my parents about it because my dad wouldnt let me voice my oppinion. he would just be like quiet dan. and just get madder and madder that i actually show some intellegence and logic reasoning.

Thank you and good night,
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