wait, i know what you are. you are a faggot ass emo boy. You wear hollister pants and you roll them over so everyone can see the "Hollister" tag. cause u know ... only emo boys can pull that look off. and you ramathorn, you are the ultimate and complete dirt head. have an awesome day, ... douche.
its sad that you have nothing better to do with your time then write things like that to people. maybe you dont know what you are and are insecure about it so you justify it by applying it to others. i feel bad for you. go fucking get something productive to do with your time.
June 4 2004, 20:07:31 UTC
Yea I'm pretty sure ur gay and ur a pussy, Spencer is hott as hell and ur just a pussy! Emo guys are hot and ur just jelous that he can actualy pull off the hollister look, so yea go spend ur time getting a life and not talking shit! BURN IN HELL BITCH!
To My Favorite Liar
June 5 2004, 10:42:15 UTC
Spencer is such an amazing person, so before you go judging and critizing him, just remember that your the only one who seems to be a douche in this situation. Maybe instead of picking apart other people's lives, you should examine your own. You never know, you might find something everyone else can't stand about you. And by the looks of things, Im sure theres plenty. Have a nice day:-)
OMG!! you just are soOoOoOoOo fucking hott!!!!!!!!!so is dakota! my lord that boy has it all!! you too look like twins...no joke!!!dakota's hotter though!! and his friend Dj...he's pretty damn fine too!but dakota is the best! u too! xoxox(i wish)!!! xoxox- your lb's gf!! haha
Comments 22
-His favorite scar
xoxox- your lb's gf!! haha
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