
Aug 07, 2011 21:13

Character: Anna “Annie” Sawyer
Series: Being Human (BBC)
Character Age: 22
Job: Superintendent for People Obliterated, Immolated, Life-challenged, Ended, or Really Stiff
Canon: This is a world where the supernatural exists, unknown to the general public. Every species, whether mortal or not, clashes against each other to get higher up in the food chain, or to try not to get eaten. Meanwhile, in the midst of all this, a trio of spooks live together in an attempt at leading normal lives. However, they must deal with a variety of obstacles in their path that range from asking a cute girl out for lunch to vampires trying to rule the world.

Annie is a young ghost who rooms with her two friends, a vampire and a werewolf, as they attempt to live as normally as possible in a world that’s anything but. She’s a very friendly person who generally loves being around people, although she does has problems with insecurity that can negate her social attitude. Annie’s moods can range all over the spectrum; when she’s excited, she can babble until someone finally tells her to shut up, but she’s also easy to upset and anger. The smallest provocation can break her down into tears, yet she can bounce back quickly from this at times. Annie also has a tendency of making A Lot of tea, and stating very questionable and awkward jokes and phrases.

Sample Post:

Well, isn’t this exciting? Our very first counseling session with one another! I don’t know about you, but I’ve always wanted to go to camp. You know what they say, “What happens in band camp, stays in band camp”. Although I’m not entirely too sure on how much trouble you can get in at a place with a bunch of tubas. Unless you’re very horn-y. Ha ha, get it, because a tuba is a horn? Not even a chuckle? Looks like I’m being brass. Instead of brash? Still nothing? Ahem, all right, moving on.

Thinking about it, it’s not like any of that really matters here, since it’s not actually a band camp. It’s a . . . I’m sorry, but I’m not exactly sure what kind of camp this is. I assumed it was for people like us, you know, not of the living variety. But there’s plenty of non-dead people walking around. And it can’t be a summer camp, because they hired me so late. And it wouldn’t make sense to hire me at the end of summer if it’s one of those, would it? They should seriously work on their brochures or something. If I were in charge, I would-I’m rambling again, aren’t I? Let’s try to stick to business then.

According to your file you were-killed in a freak tuba accident? Seriously? Oh my God, and I was making all those jokes about that! I’m so very sorry, you must think that I’m a massive wanker right now. God, I’m not even sure why they hired me to do this, it’s not like I’m an expert at this sort of thing! I mean, who gets a dead person who doesn’t know what they’re doing to help another dead person who doesn’t know what they’re doing? All that’s being accomplished is that we’re we’re both sitting here, being dead, and possibly rotting depending on the type of dead you are. Not that’s there’s anything wrong with being the type of dead that rots, aside from the . . . well, smell. And the-on second thought, there are a lot of things wrong with it, aren’t there?

Wait, I see that I missed something. It says that you were killed in a freak tuba and zombie accident. So that makes you a . . . Oh. Well, this is awkward. I think that’s quite long enough for this session, don’t you? See you next week. And you smell lovely, by the way!

Voting took place here, and got in at 100% for some strange reason idk.

ooc: application

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