
Jul 01, 2004 11:26

My Best Friend is azulene_gOur 8 common interests are: anime, computers, garth nix, l.j. smith, manga, music, sailor moon, web designWho is your best friend?
Created by macoto

Feeling fairly on top of things.

Just over an hour before I have to head off to my last exam.

Found most of my textbooks, plan to return them today. Right now they're sitting in a nice pile on the table behing my laptop screen.... attempting to flatten out the back pages of my RS textbook. My brother spilt... something... over it yesterday. While it's dry, the pages have gone... ruffly? wrinkly? *shrug* whatever. still trying to flatten it, whatever word you use to describe the lack-of-flatness

Need to go to the library again soon. Even with exams and so much time online, I've read through my library books. I need new ones... but I go on holiday on the 7th, so I don't know if it's worth getting more out... if I'll have a chance to read and return (mainly return) them before then. *shrug* I guess I'll have to see.

Ack, my face is all dry and itchy... I really should moisturise, but I discovered the other day that Fred nabbed my moisturiser... so it's either in Cornwall or lost somewhere, never to be seen again. I can't use my mom's because I'm allergic to it... using her moisturiser'd end up worse than none at all *sigh*

Hmm. I think I'll go make another cup of tea... and maybe get something to eat. We're kinda running low on the even-remotely-healthy foodstuffs though... at least stuff that's suitable for brunch. I really don't fancy pizza, lasagne or pasts as my first meal of the day *ick*
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