(no subject)

Jul 28, 2004 11:22

1. What, in your opinion is the most important division within the human race? (e.g. smokers/non-smokers, Conservative/Labour, desktop/laptop) Dead/Alive

2. On which side of the answer to #1 do you fall? Alive

3. How long, on average, does it take you to get rid of someone trying to sell you something over the phone? lol... usually about 20 seconds, tops

4. What is the most expensive object you have ever broken on purpose? ('when angry' counts as 'on purpose' even if you regretted it soon afterwards) Sean: a glass EMMA: all I can think of was my sister's Barbie..... good riddance ;)

5. What is your preferred method of sharpening a knife? with a knife sharpening kit

6. In your view, is it more important for the Americans to adopt a less confrontational foreign policy, or to learn how to pronounce the word "aluminium"? They should learn to elect non-inept-moronic-idiots as leaders. That would solve ALL their problems. Emma: And to spell 'colour' correctly :p

7. If you had the opportunity to become immortal, would you take it? Maybe if we both got it ;)

8. On balance, are you angry about the part of the monitor tube that is covered by the plastic housing, or pleased about the extra 24 bytes in a kilobyte? *laughs*

9. If you buy something for 99p with a £1 coin, do you really want the 1p back? Well.... suppose

10. Do you trust that fancy new paint which goes on pink and dries white? No. Pink isn't evil enough to be trustworthy ;)

11. Have you ever combined a Burger King burger with McDonalds fries in persuit of the ultimate fast food experience? Nope... I usually just don't get fries... and Emma prefers Burger King's fries...

12. Do you own a box of those little plastic rings for reinforcing punched holes? No, never had a use for them lol... my papers never made it to the rings anyways :)(that last part was Sean ;))

13. If you could issue one decree as an absolute monarch, what would it be? Canadian delicacies(mainly snacks... ie. campinos, clodhoppers, and ketchup chips, etc.) should be available in every store :)

14. If copies are free, do you check the settings first, or just press the button and see what happens? Uhh.. never used a photocopier in a public place so...

15. If you had to have one, and only one bumper sticker, what would it say? "I've found him. I've got Jesus in my trunk."

16. What objects would you be nervous if you didn't have a spare for? Emma: Glasses/Contact Lenses

17. If you bought a new BMW 520i, would you choose the "Delete badge" option? 'Delete Badge'?

18. What was the last thing you shouted while alone in a car? I've not been alone in a car for a long time, seeing as I don't like them and only use when absolutely necessary. Emma: Probably yelling at everyone else ot hurry up and get in the car

19. What is your typical path through a supermarket? Sean: Seeing as the only supermarket I really spend any time at is my work.... Door - Customer Service - Seafood(where I work) - Bakery(Breaks ;)) - Seafood - Bakery - Seafood - Bakery - Seafood - Snack Aisle(When I'm off work if I am buying chips) - Customer Service - Door. Emma: Door - Clothes section - Book section - Chilled stuff (depends on what buying) - Bakery - Frozen foods - Till - Door.

20. Do you lick the underside of the foil top when eating a pot of yoghurt? Yes

21. Do you abbreviate the words "you", "are", “to” and “for” in text messages? Emma: only if I need the space. Sean: I don't have a cell nor do I usually use them lol

22. Have you ever tried to use an optical mouse on a mirror, just to see what happened? nope, but I should

23. If you were alone at the time, what would be the least hygienic location from which you'd be prepared to retrieve and eat a potato chip you'd just dropped? the floor

24. With reference to #23, where would overstep the mark? the toilet(well... anything wet works too)

25. Have you ever read the documentation for your company pension scheme? neither me nor Emma have one lol

26. How many of the Asterix / Hitch-Hikers Guide To The Galaxy / Terry Pratchett / Harry Potter books have you read? Sean: None, yet. Emma: Hmmm.... a few Asterix, about half the Discworld series, all the HP so far

27. How many greetings cards have you sent in the last 12 months? Sean: like.... 3 maybe... Emma: Some high number

28. A criminal maniac invites you to "Pick a city for destruction, Mr. Bond." Which one do you choose? Can't I pick a country? if not... Washington... during a parliament session... get rid of all those pathetic American politicians...

29. Which font do you use most often? Times New Roman

30. What happened the last time you applied excessive force to an inanimate object? Sean: Does my brother's head count? Emma: uhh.... it broke?

31. Can you tell whether a Union Jack is hung the right way up? Nope!

32. If it was a matter of life or death, what is the earliest month for which you could produce your bank statement? uhh... uhh... sometime ago? lol

33. If you could choose any person living or dead, who would you most like to hit repeatedly in the face with a small wooden gavel? Emma: Fred. Sean: Alissa.

34. If you had the choice between a petrol chainsaw or a bread knife, which would you use for felling a small tree with a 1" diameter trunk? Bread Knife

35. If you could ban one figure of speech, one acronym and one word, what would they be? I'll tell ya if I think of any ;)

36. If you ran over a teddy bear lying in the road, would you feel guilty? no, it's already stuffed... how much worse can it get?

37. If your house was besieged, which consumable would you run out of last - assuming you didn't starve? Non-ground beef... I'd throw the vegetables in an attemtp to scare them off ;)

38. List the BBC national radio stations in order of preference as driving companions. ... This survey is so British. < Well, DUH
Emma: Radio 1. The rest are....... boring

39. When making a graph in MS Excel, do you place it on a separate sheet or on the sheet with the source data? No Excel users here

40. Which way up do you hold a map when travelling South? Right side up? I just think that I'm traveling down.

41. How would you answer a 5 year-old who asked you why the sky is blue? Sean: Bad question to ask me *laughs* *ist scientific person* Emma: it just is

42. When did you last use a highlighter pen? Emma: in class, highlighting random words Sean: sometime at least 5 years ago

43. On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you that you know when to use a semicolon? Sean: about 8 or 9. Emma: I try to avoid normal punctuation

44. What proportion of the CDs you own are in their original cases right now? Very few... most of them are in one of my two game cd 'binders'
Emma: Most of them, I think... but quite a few no longer have cases

45. What songs, television shows, books, paintings etc are you irrationally embarrassed to admit that you don’t like? Not one

46. Based on sound rather than content, which person’s voice irritates you the most? Based on Sound? hmm... Sean: This one customer at my work has the most loud, obnoxious, irritating, screechy voice imaginable... Emma: Dunno, my sister is just irritating in general.

47. How accurate is the time on your watch? Uhh... within a few minutes of the actual time, probably.

48. Have you ever written to, emailed or telephoned a newspaper, radio station, TV programme etc? If so, what did you say? Don't think so

49. Do you, in the most fundamental depths of your soul, give a crap about the extinction of the Red Cockaded Woodpecker? Emma: No. Sean: Yes, it's a bird... of course I care ;)
now... if it were the domestic CAT that were going extinct... I'd be funding whoever was making it die off ;)

50. What is the cheapest thing you’ve bought with a debit or credit card in the past month? Sean: Last thing I bought on a credit card was a 1350 dollar trip... on a debit card, however... 5 dollars for cookies I think...

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