So apparently I blinked and I missed it and spring went by in a flash. There's been ninety degree weather! Thunderstorms! It's so humid in my bedroom right now that the pages of the book I was reading were all damp and gross! That's terrible! But that also means it's summer! Exclamation marks! Or it's almost summer, if you want to get meteorologically and/or seasonally pedantic on me! More exclamation marks!
Basically I am game for any excuse for some fic-shaped porn and the arrival of the summer months coupled with the end of the academic year is really all the excuse I need. So let's do this:
T h e
R U L E S :
1. BE COOL, SODAPOP. I'm leaving this open to the world, so play nice and don't be an asshole. The internet, like most avenues in life, is for making a fool of yourself (and/or pornography).
2. PROMPT AT WILL! One prompt per comment, blah, blah, etc., etc. Prompt as often as you please, whatever it is that you please (RPF is more than okay and in fact encouraged! Because I'm that person!), AUs, crossovers, song lyric prompts from that one Mumford and Sons song or Florence + The Machine song that is used on every other graphic on tumblr, whatever!
3. FILL THE PROMPTS! Empty comment ficathons are sad, ok. Since there are no subject lines, just include the title, fandom, pairing and rating (if need be) at the start of your fill. If your fill is super long feel free to link to your own business.
4. This will be open for however long you feel like indulging me!
5. The end. Go write and stuff!