[Application] @ InGen

Jan 05, 2009 09:41

Player Name: Laura
Player Journal: dismentality
AIM (if applicable): Arcfiring
E-mail: sinfulroses@gmail.com
Other characters played at InGen: Yazoo [onvelvetstrings]

Character Name: Pelleas
Fandom: Fire Emblem

Age: 17
Species: Beorc (just a regular human, in other words)
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation (if applicable): Heterosexual

Physical Appearance:
One | Two | Three (mark of the Blood Pact)

Pelleas, being the King of Daein, must dress accordingly. He doesn't have much of a regal air, to be honest, but his robes do convey a sense of importance. They are white with golden trimming, worn over a blue attire. Being of only average size and height, he isn't much of an intimidating man either, and his expression is often gentle-- hardly ever demanding. On the occasion when he does take a firm stance, there is usually an underlying hesitance one can take note of if they have the observational capacity.

He carries around Dark tomes more often than not, and has a strange marking on his forehead, hidden by his bangs. His hair is blue- short and a bit curled, framing a thin face that rarely smiles.

Personality and Traits:
A gentle and caring man, if a bit lacking in leadership skills, Pelleas is very different from his supposed father- the Mad King Ashnard. Some even think of him as sorrowful, a point not far off considering his lonely childhood.

He is very hesitant in many aspects, the main one being his desire to rule. Almost in contrast, however, he seeks to see Daein rebuilt, and would do anything in his power to help his people-- even if it meant losing his own life. For that, it can't be said that he is a poor ruler. Rather, he just lacks experience, and needs something with which he can boost his confidence.

Due to this lack of confidence, he is forced to lean heavily on the will of his advisers. It's almost as though he would prefer them to make his decisions for him, or at least announce them. Still, he would never endorse anything that would knowingly bring harm to his country (though he can stand to take more caution in questioning smaller details, lest they turn out to be worse than expected). He often gives his trusted friend weapons to distribute to the army in his place, as he worries that it would seem like favoritism if he did so himself (one of Izuka's more useful bits of advice). He fears taking the consequences for his actions should his decisions end up being the wrong ones, which is something else that leads him to shy away from making them.

When his resolve is strong, though, he refuses to hesitate. The only problem is that he tends to be weak of resolve.

He also displays an intense interest in magic-- enough so that he had made a pact in the past to gain the spirit's protection, allowing him to use powerful magic. Time and time again, his interest in learning more of magic and of the magical skills of others he meets takes precedence over his worries. It's one of the few things that he finds he can still become enthusiastic about.

As well, he displays a certain degree of naivety towards other races, such as the Laguz (a race of animal-like people), and those called the Branded (children whose parents were both a Beorc and a Laguz). In part, it may be due to his mistreatment in the past by those who mistook him for a Branded himself when they saw the mark on his forehead. He has been known to refer to Laguz by the hated name of Sub-Humans, though his mind isn't entirely closed. Unlike many others in his country, he would be willing to put his trust in them if ever his original opinions were shaded in doubt.

While he can be a nervous and awkward person, there is no doubt that he has a strong sense of duty, a powerful will, and an inner bravery with which he desires to use for the betterment of his countrymen and his friends. He may not care if death comes for him, personally, but would think first in terms of how he must live for Daein and for the ones that need or rely on him. Being easily frightened, it's less for himself than for what might happen to others if he failed them.

That said, he also tends to keep a mild temperament-- or at least attempts to with moderate success. Despite his constant worries and the fact that they cause him much stress and grief, he will rarely openly complain about it, or even let it build so that he eventually launches an outburst upon another; On the occasion that he does show a display of despair, he'll apologize for it. Of course, this is mostly due to the fact that he does have support. He finds himself easily lost without it, and at times, frustrated. On top of that, he is easily intimidated, as well as easily strung along by the ploys of those that wish to manipulate him. Perhaps, it means he is too trusting, or too willing to put his trust in others so as to avoid having to take the brunt of the leadership unto himself. Only when he is directly told to by his subordinates will he order an instruction most times, and it takes quite a bit of effort, again leading back to the point about lacking confidence as a ruler.

On a final note, Pelleas is easily flustered and overwhelmed- but willing to face his own nature as long as something drives him to do so.

Canon Background:
Born as a commoner, Pelleas lived as an orphan in a country called Daein. He was often lonely, having no family as well as no friends due to being mistaken for one of the Branded, a 'species' which was a child born of a 'forbidden' union between the animal-like people known as laguz, and the people lacking those features, known as Beorc (or as 'humans' to most, whilst the laguz were often referred to as 'Sub-Humans'). Daein was a nation of much prejudice. Regardless, he has always had a strong love for his country.

The reason he was mistaken for one of them was, of course, due to the mark on his forehead. Earlier in life, he had created a pact with a powerful spirit, enabling him to have the spirit's protection-- which allowed him to study more powerful magic. All Branded are born with a mark (hence the name 'branded'), and Pelleas's spirit protection closely resembled one.

Eventually, Daein's Mad King Ashnard (rumored to have killed his own father to take the throne) launched war upon the neighbouring country of Crimea. It was a sudden decision, and from it, a long battle begun. Over time, Daein lost the war, and the nation was thrown into shambles. Crimea, having a new queen, had refused to take control of Daein-- they had their own country to rebuild, and the burden would simply be too much. Because of that, Daein fell under the control of the mighty Begnion Empire, a powerful country encompassing much of the continent of Tellius, and led by power hungry senators whom even sought to overthrow their own Apostle (her being the empress of Begnion, as well as their symbol of hope, and a good friend to Queen Elincia of Crimea). It was due to the apostle's help that the Mad King Ashnard was stopped before he could throw the whole continent into a state of warfare-- a fact which the people of Daein wouldn't know. They knew only that their country was being overrun, and may soon be destroyed.

Pelleas himself received shocking news soon following this. A man named Izuka found him and informed him that he was Ashnard's long lost son, even reuniting him with his mother. Unexpectedly, he had been thrust into the position of Daein's one and only hope for stability. He went from an orphan child that had thought himself all alone in the world, to both a son and a prince-- and for that, he felt he owed Izuka a debt of gratitude, following his every bit of advice.

What he was unaware of was the fact that Izuka had deceived him from the start. Pelleas was to be a figurehead so that Begnion may use him to control Daein-- he wasn't the true prince, but had resembled him enough so that the mother was fooled into believing Pelleas to be her true son, thus giving conviction to the claim. The true heir to Daein was actually a young strategist named Soren, who worked for the same mercenary group that defeated Ashnard, and whom was unaware of his heritage himself. His mother, Almedha, believed Pelleas to be her son due to both his slight resemblance to Ashnard, and the mark of the spirit's protection, which is strikingly similar to Soren's Branded marking.

With the help of a group known as the Dawn Brigade, which had begun to earn itself a reputation for fighting for the restoration of Daein, and for freedom from Begnion's oppression, they fought to save Daein from being completely ravished. The Dawn Brigade was led by a silver haired maiden named Micaiah, who soon became the true symbol of hope for Daein. Because of this, both Izuka and Almedha gave her a hard time, claiming that she sought to become ruler in Pelleas's place, adding that the prince himself was now nothing more than a figurehead, while she became revered by the people.

Though they were harsh, Pelleas himself was unbothered by her being the symbol of hope. In a sense, she had become a beacon of hope for he himself. Micaiah often appeared to be the only person that understood how he felt (a feat he thought incredible, as it seemed like she truly could read minds). He placed his trust in both her and a general named Tauroneo, eventually realizing that he also needed to offer words of encouragement to the army.

Admittedly, it didn't go over too well at first- he stammered out a speech, being laughed at by his own army, before the Black Knight (a general of Daein clad all in black armor, whose identity is unknown, and who was thought to have been killed by the leader of the Greil Mercenaries, Ike, in the war three years ago) stepped in to show his support, giving Pelleas the courage to offer his words to his people. To even his own surprise, the speech was well received.

With the retreat of the Begnion soldiers, Pelleas was crowned as the rightful King of Daein (despite not being the true heir-- a fact nobody, including Pelleas, knew at the time).

Though Daein now had a measure of stability, having become an independent country once again, there was yet more trickery at work- the peace treaty Pelleas signed with Begnion upon his coronation was, in actuality, a Blood Pact. A Blood Pact, imposed on the leader of a country, demands complete obedience, else everyone in said country perishes. Izuka had actually been working for Begnion-- when Pelleas signed the pact, it was after Izuka, his 'adviser', had assured him that all was well with it.

Trapped by the pact, he had no choice but to comply with Begnion's demands and have the army of his own country act as disposable pawns in their war with the Laguz Alliance (an army which, by the end, consisted of Gallia, Phoenics, Crimea, and the supporters of Begnion's apostle, Sanaki, whom had been driven out of her own country by the power hungry Senators-- also the ones manipulating Daein). It seemed to be a lose-lose situation: refuse Begnion's demands, and all his people will die, comply with their demands, and they all die anyway fighting for an unjust cause.

Having also been forbidden from telling others of the Pact for fear of a Begnion spy catching him, the decision to fight for their former oppressors appeared to be Pelleas's will, leading to much doubt from the citizens of their new King's intentions. He got increasingly afraid that no matter what he did, his country would fall as a direct result of his actions. It was a terrible burden to bear. Because of this, he had no choice but to drive Micaiah, the general of his army, to fight fiercely against the nations that otherwise may have become good allies to them-- a horrible start for his new reign.

Micaiah soon took ill from exhaustion and fainted, which was when her good friend and brother figure, Sothe, began speaking of leaving with her. Pelleas had come to rely so strongly on her that he felt he had no choice but to tell them of the Pact. Instead of giving in to despair, Micaiah convinced him to search for a way to break the pact, while she took the army and pretended to be following Begnion's demand to kill the apostle as she and her troops passed through a Daein mountain range.

He spent every possible moment searching for answers, before he finally found an old book that had been hidden away. In it, he read these lines:

"The blood pact breaks when the pact-maker is killed by a third party."

Deciding what to do was a simple task-- for the chance to save his country, he would ask Micaiah to kill him.

However, he hadn't counted on Micaiah refusing. Nor had he counted on Prince Kurthnaga of Goldoa (the country where Dragon Laguz live) to provide the alternative: it takes two people to sign a pact, so they could kill Duke Lekain instead. It was at this time that he also began to suspect something else-- that he was not the true King of Daein. His Mother being a Laguz, it would have made him a branded. Since he was a Spirit Charmer and not a branded, he couldn't see how it was possible for him to be her son.

Before he had the chance to dwell further on this, something else happened. The chaos of war was stirring the flames of Lehran's Medallion, the same medallion that was containing the Dark God nearly awoken in the Mad King's war years ago. This medallion was otherwise known as the Fire Emblem, and was kept at bay only by the Galdr sung by the Heron Tribe royals.

When the chaos became too much, those with a strong 'balance' in them passed out. This included all three of the remaining Heron royals. Micaiah heard a voice telling her to sing the Galdr of release-- a risky act, when it meant the possibility of releasing a Dark God.

As it turned out in the end, though, they got lucky. Waking Yune (whom claimed not to be a Dark God, but simply A Goddess of Chaos--Change--Unpredictability) was the same as waking Ashera, the Goddess of Order. A thousand years ago, the Beorc and Laguz made a vow not to war for at least one thousand years. Since they did not keep this promise, Ashera resolved to begin anew with a new world, wiping all life from the old one.

Due to having been woken up by the Galdr of release instead, she had to meet with Yune first-- but this didn't stop her from turning most of the people, Beorc and Laguz alike, into statues.

Ashera's disciples (people who had agreed to serve her in exchange for being turned back from stone) attacked them at every chance. The large army had divided into three groups, all headed for the Tower of Guidance that was found in the center of Begnion (rumoured to be the resting place of Ashera-- it was glowing now). By dividing, they increased their chances of at least one group making it there alive.

Pelleas went with King Tibarn of the Hawk Tribe's group, and it wasn't long before he realized that he wasn't contributing nearly as much as he should have been. He joined the fighting without informing his mother, putting his magical skills to their best use.

Soon enough, they encountered none other than Izuka-- whom confirmed Pelleas's suspicion. He was merely a child that looked as though he could pass for Ashnard's son, selected to be a pawn easily manipulated by the Senate in order for them to control Daein.

He never had the chance to see Izuka's downfall, as mid battle is the point I'll be playing him from.

Physically, he isn't very strong-- a recurring trait among magic users. Despite that, however, he is quite skilled with the use of Dark magic tomes, enough so that he could have defended himself if need be back in Tellius. In InGen, this factor doesn't matter too much.

Pelleas also has a few strengths of character, the main one being his fierce determination whenever he chooses to put his mind to a task. The restoration of his country being a prime example- he would be willing to put his own life on the line if for something he truly cares about, or a purpose he strongly believes in. No really, it's mandatory for him to die in the first playthrough.

He may not be that strong a person, even personality-wise, but he can pull through with surprising conviction when given the proper motivation.

He falters. A lot. This hesitation isn't befitting of a ruler, and puts stress on him to change his ways. He gets overwhelmed too easily, worries constantly, and carries a heavy burden he must come to peace with. His lack of physical strength is also a weakness, as is his vulnerability to manipulation; Truth be told, he just isn't used to having so much authority-- it's an obstacle he needs to overcome, making it his greatest weakness.

Also, he can only move in squares.

Items Brought With Them (anything aside from the clothes on their back):
Pelleas is in possession of several Dark tomes. These are magical 'spell books' entitled Carreau, Verrine, and Fenrir. However, they will no longer have their magical properties once in InGen. Scrap paper, anyone?

In addition to that, he carries a few herbs and vulneraries used for healing minor wounds.

First Person Sample:
[Climbing over a hill, he nearly trips over the hem of his robes. He heaves a sigh, closing his eyes for a moment to think.] By the Goddess, this is-- this is-- no. This isn't impossible! I-I...

[A deep breath.] If this was Izuka's doing, I'll-- I'll-- [Very frustrated sound.]

I can do this. I must. No matter where they've taken me, I won't rest until we've broken the Blood Pact.

[---trips over a log, landing on his knees and slumping defeatedly in the mud. After a moment, something catches his eye. A large footprint in front of him.]

What creature could have possibly--!?

Third Person Sample:
[I'm reusing an old sample from a different game, just so you know where this is coming from. :B]

It was strange. On one hand, he supposed he ought to be relieved. If the mark was missing from his arm, it must have meant that the blood pact had been broken-- but on the other hand, how could that have been possible if he was still alive?

Pelleas wanted to be hopeful, wanted to believe that Daein would still stand strong, but doing so was near impossible as things were-- no, not impossible. Just difficult. The situation wouldn't allow him to heighten his hopes until some measure of certainty presented itself. However, there was nothing certain to be found.

Whether this be some form of trickery, or some unexpected twist... Whatever the case, it left him puzzled and without a way to even begin seeking answers. Who can one turn to in a strange land? When first he stepped outside the door of the chapel, his senses had been overwhelmed by what he saw. Steel carriages passing him by drawn with no horses, buildings of a unique structure built higher than even the castles and fortresses of Daein, and... and people.

They passed him by from every which way, but none so much as lifted a hand to greet him, let alone provide answers to the questions welling up in his mind.

Moreso than ever, Pelleas was lost-- lost in his way, lost in his goals, everything. This wasn't Daein, but how far from it? This wasn't a country, but even so, who was it's leader? Would they grant him assistance, or an explanation at the least?

He hadn't planned his path beyond death. Doing so would have been utterly pointless, so what could have possibly went wrong?

*ooc, *application

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