Happy Monday!

Dec 26, 2011 11:02

Even better, a Monday where mostly everybody has the day off! I was thinking this Xmas was going to stink, but it's actually been really nice. Xmas eve my cousin had her traditional xmas gathering, and my mom and I went to that. I ended up at one of the kids tables, which was alot of fun. My cousin K is 8 years older than me, and the youngest cousin I have (my dad was the youngest of 5, and I'm the youngest), so all the 'kids' are in their 20s & early 30s. Cutest thing all night, my cousin L's boyfriend got an ipad case for xmas. He wanted the case so he could have something tangible while he dreams of getting the ipad to fill it. :-> So adorable! Now *I* want an ipad case! Well, except I'm really dreaming of a quad-core android tablet running ICS. Even my pipe dreams have priorities! :->

Yesterday we were invited to Xmas dinner at R/M & B's, with S/G & J/L & Sb and J/S & T/G (don't you love it when everybody has 2 names? *g*). S/G & B did all the cooking, and it was fanTAStic. I even ate brussel sprouts and liked them! And the two kids and Chloe the pit were just beyond adorable. My mom totally bonded with Sb (who is now a college sophomore! OMG!) over the Percy Jackson books, which was also adorable. It was just wonderfully fun and relaxing, and I get the feeling I'm going to start taking my mom to more SCA events. Or at least, as Cin calls them, the "taffeta" events. :-> I really can't imagine my mom outside in the mud at a tourney. :->

I did eat dessert, and too much of it, but that was offset by the fact that I actually got on the treadmill yesterday for the first time in 2 months! Only 47 minutes, but it included 8 90-second intervals and one panic attack/adrenaline rush caused by my not hearing the roommate walk in when she got home from church and suddenly appeared in the living room holding an obviously lethal poinsettia. (Note to self: you may want to turn the volume down a tad on the ipod...) I want to start exercising 4-5 times a week, like I used to before all hell broke loose. Well, barring the whole panic attack thing, that is. :-> I've still got a ton more weight to lose, but at this point I have very little clothes I can wear. Case in point: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18014082/GoShopping.jpg I mean, I knew they were big around the waist, hence J sewing elastic on them for me so I wouldn't look like a gangsta at my dad's funeral, but man, it looks almost like a clown suit! :-> So my mom is all, "YOU ARE BUYING NEW CLOTHES FOR XMAS!" and I'm all "OKAY!!" If you'd like a comparison, this was taken last April, 2 months before I started the program: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18014082/before.jpg I still look at the recent pics and think, "Man, I'm huge!" but even I can see a difference at this point. :->

But I am rambling!! Today my brother & his family are coming out from Reno, and we're having our *third* Xmas dinner. Which reminds me, I still need to wrap the family xmas presents! :-> And tomorrow morning we're taking my dad to the cemetery for the interment, or whatever they call it. It was originally just going to be me and my mom, so I'm glad they'll be there for that. Then lunch, then they go back to Reno. Thursday or Friday, depending on how caught up I get on work, I'm heading to casa de Taselby, since I haven't seen her or the kids in ... gosh, 10 months? Crazy! And the weekend after that, I really think I'm going to go to 12th Night. I may be in some hideously old baggy outfit, but I think it will be nice to just go and see people with no additional stresses. Almost every event I've been at for the last year I was either doing something for the Bard of the Mists job, fretting about or practicing something that was coming up for the BotM job, or worrying about my dad.

Lessee ... anything else? Oh, this was cute. I did the "neiner neiner, I got your xmas prezzie!" thang at my roommate when she got home last Friday, and roommate says, "Um, you already got me my xmas prezzie." Me: o.O She: At Disneyland, remember? Me: D'OH!!!!! (I got her this *g*) So apparently I bought her birthday prezzie very early this year instead. :-> Seriously, it's not like I even *remember* Disneyland at this point. Everything from October on is kinda like a blur of OMGFamilyIssues/SCAjob! But hey, the year is almost over, and 2012 is going to be *awesome*.

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