Title: Parasitism
Pairing: Heechul/Hangeng
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The longer Hangeng lives, the faster Heechul dies. (AU)
Song(s) used for inspiration: Both
Hangeng leans back against Heechul’s bony shoulders and he’s never felt so comfortable. And, of course, Heechul ruins the moment by jerking forward and almost causing Hangeng to break his neck in an attempt to stop himself from hitting the stones under them.
“What the fuck, Heechul.”
Heechul doesn’t say anything and Hangeng immediately sits up.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, but Heechul remains silent, his face an unnatural white. Hangeng puts a hand on his arm and Heechul shivers violently before slumping into Hangeng’s chest.
Hangeng rubs circles and triangles onto Heechul’s back and says, “So, it’s already beginning.”
The sadness of his voice doesn’t reach Heechul’s ears and they remain still, each one trying not to break the other.
It wasn’t love at first sight; it was more like hate at second. The first time they saw each other was at group therapy. Hangeng was there because he had recurrent nightmares of falling and Heechul was there because he couldn’t sleep. They had acknowledged each other in a way most strangers do on subways and that had been it.
But, the second time they saw each other was at a rundown shop that only seemed to sell soju. Heechul was drunk and Hangeng just wanted a place to stand until the rain died down. Heechul eyed Hangeng’s shivering form with a sneer and stumbled over, placing two warm hands on Hangeng’s surprised face before kissing those quivering lips. Hangeng pushed away Heechul only to steady him a moment later. Heechul’s nose dug painfully into Hangeng’s neck and now they both reeked of stale alcohol.
“Fuck, get away from me.”
It didn’t sound enforcing but Heechul backed away anyways. Hangeng muttered something about drunks and how they should be locked away someplace and Heechul laughed.
Hate at second sight.
Heechul smiles and it’s like a plea, like he’s telling Hangeng to please look past the pale skin, the blue scars, and just feel his breath. Hangeng leans in until his lips are right next to Heechul’s ear, “I love you.” Hangeng knows that’s just going to make Heechul weaker but he can’t stop.
I really fucking love you. It’s written at the edge of Heechul’s jaw, it’s written under Heechul’s chin, it’s written all over Heechul. And, Hangeng kisses each spot with delicate flickers of tongue and discrete pokes of fingers. Heechul shifts under him and it’s only then that Hangeng notices that Heechul is all bones and only bones.
The third time they met was in a town meeting. The mayor was talking about how the world has changed and if one person must die while the other lives, then that’s how we must learn to live. Hangeng wasn’t really listening because Heechul was laughing in some kid’s face. The kid was holding onto Heechul’s denim jeans like he was afraid Heechul would simply disappear if he let go. For some reason, Hangeng felt the same fear.
After the mayor stopped talking, Hangeng stayed in his seat while the town moved past him. Heechul didn’t move either. They weren’t so far away but they weren’t close enough either. So, Hangeng got up to sit next to Heechul. And they stayed like that for a while, neither saying anything, until Heechul spoke up.
“So, I’m guessing you’re here because you also know.”
“Who do you think is going to live?”
Hangeng looked up at Heechul and really saw him for the first time. He traced Heechul’s pretty, pretty lips with his eyes and said, “You.”
Hangeng traces Heechul’s lips with his tongue and says, “I love you.” Heechul asks Hangeng to stop saying that because it makes him want to live.
“Then live.”
Heechul pauses and Hangeng rolls onto his back.
“That’s okay.”
But, Hangeng knows it’s not okay, it’s never okay. If Heechul dies, it’ll never be okay.
They decided to meet again the next day and help Heechul move into Hangeng’s apartment since Heechul’s lease was up for renewal anyways.
Hangeng didn’t sleep that night and he only realized that he had Heechul’s face engraved in his mind when he traced those lips for the fifth time.
Heechul moved gracefully and Hangeng followed the movements like an addict. He wanted to touch Heechul’s hip and see if they really moved as fast as his fantasies. He wanted to run a hand through Heechul’s hair and feel just how silky the strands could be. He wanted so much and Heechul only smiled pretty smiles.
Hangeng mixes vitamins into Heechul’s coffee when he's not looking and watches the man take little sips. Heechul raises an eyebrow and asks Hangeng to stop being such a creep.
“I like watching you.”
Heechul chuckles, “That’s so weird.”
Hangeng puts his lips right on top on Heechul’s nose and tilts his head down until he’s kissing Heechul, “You taste very nice.”
He tips them over until Heechul’s underneath and Hangeng’s kissing the roof of his mouth.
They find out Heechul’s going to be the one to die when Hangeng accidently cuts himself. He winces and waits for the cut to bleed, but nothing happens. He only feels pain. Heechul gasps and Hangeng looks up to see a single trail of red adorn Heechul’s finger. They look at each other, pure shock in their eyes, and Hangeng cries for the first time in his life.
They swing side by side but the metal chains are parallel and never touch.
“I wish I could die.”
Heechul digs his heels into the sand and stops swinging. Hangeng searches for longing in Heechul’s eyes but all he sees is misery.
“Don’t fucking say that.”
Hangeng pokes his toes into the sand and brings them to the arch of Heechul’s foot.
“I wish you could live.”
Heechul’s hands lose their grip on the swing and he hunches over to let the tears fall on his lap.
“Shut up,” he whispers and Hangeng moves so fast that Heechul’s breath hitches when he finds the man kneeling in front of him. There is a crazed glint in his eyes that scares Heechul.
“Hey, maybe if I killed myself, then maybe you could live.”
Heechul snorts even though his ribs feel like they’re going to break, “You can’tkill yourself. If you tried, I would die instead.”
“Then what if I killed myself after you died?”
There is silence and Hangeng rests his head on Heechul’s lap.
We’ll die together, he wants to say, but he knows Heechul will cry if he said that.
Heechul always cries when they talk about death.
They fell in love when Hangeng was throwing up beers and tequila shots and Heechul was singing Japanese songs. They fell in a tangled mess of skin, bones, and tongues and somehow, they fell in love.
Hangeng kissed Heechul, not caring that his mouth tasted like vomit or that his hands reeked of cigarettes. And, Heechul kissed him back, slipping pale fingers underneath Hangeng’s shirt. They ended up on the floor somehow, pulling and ripping, fucking and kissing.
The next morning, Heechul was sore and Hangeng had a headache, but they just couldn’t stop smiling.
Heechul’s breathing slower than usual and Hangeng smiles. He holds the man against his chest and sings. He sings old Chinese songs that used to have greater meaning when the world was still young. He sings Heechul’s favorite Japanese songs. He sings poetry and Heechul asks him to never stop singing.
Heechul dies just like he pictured; in his arms and looking so beautiful that death should have been afraid to taint his pretty red veins.
Hangeng lies down and pulls Heechul up next to him. He waits for the poison to steals life from him and he’s never been happier.
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.
- Norma Cousins
A/N: In this AU, you meet your soul-mate and then you wait to see which one you is going to die while the other lives. One will feel pain while the other will bleed.