Mar 26, 2012 19:49

Started off as a idea to rant about my head hurting from all the Prop 5 fighting. Turned into something else kind of. So it got my Warning Lable that it might not set with you the right way.

So everyone it's almost time to go vote. ...yay.

Anyway, the big thing besides the mayor races is Prop 5. It reads as follows:

The polls will open at 7:00 a.m. on April 3rd and Anchorage residents will vote “yes” or “no” on Proposition 5. Proposition 5, or the “Anchorage Equal Rights Initiative,” asks the question: “Shall the current Municipal Code sections providing legal protections against discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, marital status, age, physical disability, and mental disability be amended to include protections on the basis of sexual orientation or transgender identity?”

Yep gay vs anti-gay.

I right away said "no." Then my gay and trans friends also told me to vote no. So that made me feel better. This prop was tossed together poorly. Not just this part where they attached it on to all the other anti dicrimination things. No that's fine. But With how laws are in this country we are not aloud to discriminate based off religion, but religion is aloud to be discriminated on. See unless you are 100% a church base and then they follow the rules 100%, no one can use their reiligon for a reason not to give someone a job or housing. Now this Prop says anyone who rents a 4plexe or smaller will be ok, and church bases buissness, but Sue over there who owns a Christian (well go with) Book store isn't part of the church. She's just a Christian who wanted to sell books that meet the Christian life style. Now if John, who is gay (And a total fucking asswhole, since he knows this is going to cause trouble) goes there and wants a job and Sue doesn't want to hire him because he's gay, and he complain he was discriminated agenst.Shit like this should be writen in so it can't happen. I mean really why besides being an ass would you do something like that. Now I think id John went to a hotel to work as a desk clerk and they didn't hire him over him being gay. That's what the law would be good for, but since it's wide open (unlike the others mentioned in the prop) a lot of shit can go down. Also the idea of what a Trans person is also is not addressed. Their happens to be a fight in the Tran world if cross dresser are or are not trans, but that's another thing. Though really, if some guy who wears women's clothing under trans now? Dose that mean he gets to use the chicks bathroom? Stuff like that is left to fight about. Also I was talking to my Trans friend. Belive it or not she 90% Suports keeping trans people out of schools for K-6. Why? She himself had to have a kindergarten who was going through the change of male to female. It to this day is one of the things he holds agenst other Trans people. He tries very hard not to make anyone feel weird or cause any trouble. If their were more people like him, I'm sure more people would be ok with the trans world. BTW OT kind of, but the asswholes on the other side of the city claim they never see Trans or openly gay people working duringn the day time. One gay bitch wrote the paper saying she lives in fear that her boss might see her out with her partner and fire her on the spot. .....1) I invited them to come over to this side of town. I guess we're the opened minded 'live let live types" but they are Downtown trash, Super Poor Druggies and Army Families. 2)...Really if that bitches boss saw her out on her day off with her Partner and fired her on the spot. I have to say "what the fuck were you doing?" I mean sure there is that person who's going to be like "I wont have gays working for me," but come on! I see straight chicks holding hands, tacking body shoots, giving kissed on the cheeks, hugs etc all the time. You're ass has to be one of them ho bags who doesn't know whent to stop or something.

ANyway....Um...I'm to lazy to reread so I'll move on. So what happens if this passes? Nothing. No really. They just posted that if someone complains, it'll be to some Commission, who then gets to deicded and investigates all the cases that happen (Last year only there was only 75 total and most gave up before ever even getting close to maybe having a case). So unless you are a crazy person with lots of money to jump into a lawsuit to sue someone, you're not gonna gain anything. Also I never personally get the idea of sueing someone for stuff like this. "Oh you don't want me around.I want you to pay me a large sum of money becuase you don't want me to work for you." ....Right.

Oh Speaking of work. I forgot to tell everyone. ALaska is a AT-Will State. For everyone who does not know that means "An employer can fire you at any time or you can quit at any time." Yeah, so still if someone wants to fire you because they don't like you they can and they can just make up something on to fill out the reason why spot. Just like renting. Sure we have tons of renting laws, but really a landlord can raise rent at a reasonable rate, decided to no longer incluid utilities, make other rules, that will chase you're ass aways.

Lastly many people are tossing around the religion card on both sides. I mean they're tossing out stuff like this: "Jesus said "Love sinner not the Sin.""
Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirs up dissention, but Love covers all wrongs.
Romans 12:17 Do not repay evil with evil

That's the pro side. The anti side has too many to even pick from.

So after all this info and all the other stuff I've found out, I still like saying no right now wont hurt. I rather see a well written law that cover everything and really helps protect the Gays and Trans, not just makes it this much easier to sue someone.

But then again, my beliefs still might have me vote no anyway. At less my friends have told me I make a lot more scene then those "crazy church peoples."

My belife: Jesus did say "Love the Sinner not the Sin." God fogives since, but also says not to live. GOd also says not to suport a life of sin and to lead sinners to him. No while I fail at the last part, since I don't like to push my ways on others (A small note at bottom about that) everything thing else is something I wish more religious and no religios a like would remember. God may forgive us for our sins, but I don't think God is going to be forgiving to the ones that live knowing they're sinner. (I think that's how it was put) I mean it's not that hard to understand right? I mean look at all the people who use drugs to the point their families had to break contact from them. Do you think that's what they wanted? Of course not. God wouldn't want to have to punish those who live in sin, but when you do it knowingly how can God just keep forgiving? It's hard to say that last part, but I guess Tough Love? And for the whole idea of not suporting a sinner's life while still treating them with love. That's not to hard to understand. Look at the person with a gambling addiction. Say you have a extra $20 on you. They ask for it. You say no, since you know they're going to go gamble it aways. It doesn't mean you hate that person. Heck you might even go out to dinner with the later on. You just don't want to help them live their sinful ways. That's how I see it. I love my gay and Trans friends. I like talking about their Boyfriends/girlfriends and just about everyday life. Lucky for me they have never asked me to do anything, but once I was asked for money so he could get his boyfriend in town. I said no and that was it. No hard feelings.

Last bit about that note. I said I don't like to push my ways on others, but really I've asked every non religious person I know and people from all types of religions and I have yet to hear anything wrong. Heck even the non religious people have no problem with most The 10 Commandments. I mean I normally get something like:

1 and 2: out.
3:I really should cut down on the GD. I mean I'm not 12.
4:I never minded not working on Sunday
5: Meh, if your God is real, he'll understand they're crazy right?
6: Yeah Killing bad.
7: Cheating Bad
8: Stealing Bad
9: What's false witness? Well It sounds like something a asswhole would do anyway.
10:Can I have a female servant? SO I can't be jealous of the stuff someone else has? That's BS!

So over all we can all get a long in this world.

life, rant

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