.the myth;
» Pantheon: Norse
» God(dess): Fenrir
» Reference:
Wiki link and
Pantheon.org link
» Family: Mother and Father: The giantess Angrboda and Loki the Trickster. His siblings are Hel and Jormungandr; No spouse, but he has two sons, Hati and Skoll
» Played By: Guy Pearce
» Human Alias: Frederick "Freddy" Vargson
» Human Age: 36
» Ability: His teeth and fingernails are sharper and harder than usual, and he's stronger than an average human. He has an excellent sense of smell and hearing, can see unusually well in the dark, and canines of any species tend to be friendly with him.
» Occupation: Gamekeeper at
Hudson Highlands State Park
» History: Fenrir was a monstrous wolf, born from the union of Loki, the Norse Trickster, and the giantess Angrboda. He, along with his siblings Jormungandr and Hel, were predicted to bring great evil to the world. His sister Hel was thrown into the underworld that would later bear her name, and his brother Jormungandr was thrown into the ocean that encircled the human realm, the Midgard. But Fenrir, still puppy-sized at that point, was simply kept caged. And while he was caged, he grew. And grew. And continued to grow. Soon, he towered over gods and humans alike, and only the god Tyr was brave enough to care for him.
His gigantic size worried the gods, who knew that soon there would be no way of keeping him caged. But no chain was strong enough to hold him, as they learned the hard way. Eventually they put together Gleipnir, a magical chain that looked like a simple ribbon. It was made of the roots of a mountain, the breath of fishes, a woman's beard, the footstep of a cat, the sinews of a bear, and the roots of a mountain (and that is the reason that none of these things exist today. They were poured into the creation of Gleipnir). The chain could hold anything, even Fenrir. The only difficulty lay in actually getting it on Fenrir.
They told Fenrir that the chain was a test of his strength, and that if he broke it he would be famous. The idea appealed to Fenrir, but he suspected a trick, considering that Gleipnir looked like nothing more than an ordinary ribbon. He demanded one of the gods put their hand in his mouth, so that at least one of them would pay if there was treachery involved. Once again, only Tyr was brave enough to do it. Gleipnir held fast, and Fenrir could not break loose. In his rage, he bit off Tyr's hand at the wrist before the gods could shove a sword into his mouth to keep him from biting down.
He was buried a mile down in the Earth, then, bound to a rock and helpless. There, he was destined to wait until Ragnarok, the end of days. It was foretold that he would break free of Gleipnir then and roam the earth. He and Odin would battle, and Fenrir would kill Odin, devouring him in one bite. Odin's son, Vidar, would avenge his father by grabbing the wolf's jaws and literally tearing Fenrir apart.
» Reincarnations: Fenrir has been reincarnated several times over the past millenia, usually as a regular wolf, but occasionally (such as in this cycle) as a human. When he is a wolf, he's able to remember his past, namely that he is Fenrir, but as a human he's left with only a very distinct sense that he doesn't fit into normal human society.
His reincarnations as a human have been few and far between, generally occuring only when there is a huge amount of trouble in the world and people begin to think that it might legitimately be the end of days. The fall of Rome, the Black Plague, and World War I are just a few examples. The current reincarnation was born in the final days of the Vietnam War, to a poor farming family living in South Dakota. Fenrir (or Freddy, as they named him) was never very close to either his parents or his three siblings, preferring to spend nearly all of his time outdoors. He hasn't spoken to any of them in over a decade, and all parties involved prefer it that way.
» Personality: Fenrir is not very good at being human, even though he was born as one. He has a short temper and doesn't deal well with frustration, often lashing out at people if they start to irritate him. He doesn't like social situations or strangers, preferring to spend his time alone or with the small number of people he trusts. His personal grooming habits leave a lot to be desired, as he doesn't bathe, shave, or change his clothes as often as he should. He's extremely claustrophobic, to the point that he's never ridden the subway because it causes panic attacks and he avoids going into New York City as often as possible because "the buildings are too close together." He's extremely protective of the people he does care about, though, and animals. He has a veritable pack of dogs living with him, and running with them through the woods is one of the few times that he really feels at ease.
» Journal: famous_wolf
» Sample Journal: Boring day today, which isn't a surprise. Once it starts getting cold, the tourists stop coming and we stop getting calls about coyotes "attacking" them. Idiots. If they didn't leave food sitting out, coyotes wouldn't come to investigate. It's not hard to figure out. I wouldn't really mind letting some of them get eaten (survival of the fittest), but then they'd tell me to put down the coyotes.
I like it when there are fewer tourists in the woods, though. It means I can walk with the dogs and not run into anyone. The park has rules about keeping dogs on leashes, which I never listen to because those rules are bullshit. The dogs listen to me and aren't going to bite anyone, so there's no reason to keep them tied up. They always whine when I try to put a leash on them anyway. I don't blame them. There's nothing worse than wanting to go outside and just run and not being able to.
» Sample Roleplay: Characters: Fenrir/Freddy
Date/Time: Saturday night
Location: Fenrir's cabin
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language?
Freddy loved living with the dogs. He had about ten of them at the moment, all shapes and sizes lurking around the little cabin he inhabited on the very outskirts of the city, and he adored each and every one of them. Dogs didn't talk uneccesarily, or complain about him not showering, or try to make him go to the city after he'd very patiently explained that he hated the city the way most people hated being set on fire.
Dogs were much, much better than humans. The problem was, though, that the more dogs he lived with, the harder it was for him to ignore the things that were strange about himself.
He might have been able to write off seeing better than them. Dogs didn't have great sight anyway, right? They were colorblind. So if they were out roaming the woods and Freddy noticed a squirrel moving in a tree before any of the dogs, that wasn't neccesarily too strange. Maybe he just had fantastic vision. It would be weird, considering his mother had been all but blind without her glasses and his father hadn't been much better, but stranger things had happened.
Hearing better than the dogs was much, much stranger, but Freddy had tried to make excuses. Maybe his dogs, all ten of them, were just a little stupid. They didn't seem stupid, considering their amazing ability to get into cabinets that he tried to keep locked, but maybe they just didn't understand that the sound of a possum walking across the roof meant that they could go outside and it would still be there to bark at. Sort of like how babies would assume something had actually disappeared if they couldn't see it. So maybe it wasn't that Freddy heard things before the dogs. It was possible, albeit very unusual, that Freddy just had several very slow dogs.
He couldn't reason his way out of the sense of smell, though. That just didn't make a damn bit of sense no matter how he looked at it. There was no way he should be able to smell things before his dogs did. It was just physically impossible. Humans had stubby little noses and dogs had giant ones. He should not be able to smell roadkill before the bloodhound mix in his little pack did. It just flat out didn't make sense.
The most frustrating part was that it came so naturally. Like tonight, when Freddy had been flopped in front of the TV and smelled the tell-tale odor of raccoons. The little bastards were coming to raid his garbage, and that made Freddy see red. He hated raccoons. They were theiving rabies vectors and nothing else. He was on his feet in an instant, sticking his head out the door and shouting curses at them.
The family of raccoons, who were only halfway across his yard, froze in alarm, three pairs of eyes reflecting the light back at him. The dogs had caught their scent now and poured out the door around his feet, barking with delight as they chased the raccoons back into the woods. It left Freddy in the doorway, cursing softly for entirely different reasons. He'd smelled the raccoons; they smelled a bit like garbage and pine needles and wet fur. He kicked the doorway angrily, frustrated at the sheer impossibility of the last few minutes.