I adore Mr. Mikey Way.

Mar 26, 2007 23:43


Duplicate base on screen 100%
Duplicate base on softlight 100%
012027 Exclusion 100%
EBB6B6 Softlight 100%
EDD8D8- Colorburn 100%

Levels layer:
Red: 0, 1.16, 255
Blue: 34, 1.15, 255

Color Balance:
midtones: 25, 0, 0
shadows: -60, 0, 0

Input: 112, Output: 133

Selective Color:
Reds -46, 0, 0, 0
Neutrals: +31, 0, 0, 0

C3E1E8- Colorburn 100%

Selective color:
Reds: -43, 0, 0, +34
Neutrals: +48, +10, +13, -15
Blacks: -29, +9, -25, 0

Duplicate base on Softlight 100%, and on that softlight layer, go to Gaussian Blur, set it to 1.8

A new Hue/Sat. layer.
Master sat= +10

A new Levels layer:
RGB: 0, 1.09, 255
RED: 0, 1.00, 255
GREEN: 0, 0.94, 245
BLUE: 0, 0.91, 241

Flatten all. [Merge]
Lower brightness to -5, and raise the contrast to +5.

...and you're done...results?

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