[cropped, blur skin]
I screened it once, on 100%. Mine was dark...which is why.
Raise the Saturation on +30.
Add 00277F on exclusion 100%
Add C2FFFE on color burn 100%
Duplicate orignal to Softlight on 100%
Add FFFBE8 on color burn 100%.
Make a new Hue/Sat. layer, EACH OF THESE ARE ON SATURATION.
Yellows: -76
Cyans: +100
Blues: +100
Magentas: +31
New curves layer:
point one on all:
Red: Input=116, Output=135
Green: Input=109, Output=134
Blue: Input=112 , Output=137
Raise the contrast to 10.
Add brushes/font, etc.
Show me the results kiddies.
For the brush that I used...ask me.
update [justaddedthetexture]