Title: "Consolation"
Characters: Andrew/Wes, Spike, Fred
Rating: PG
Mood: Porny and independenty
Timeframe: Post Angel season 5
Length: 500 words on the dot
Summary: Well, Andrew and Wes screw, but then there's relationship issues. And Spike finds it amusing.
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Troika_slash --
Spike is so. Bored. He's wandering the halls in the middle of the night, when all at once, intriguing sounds draw his attention to one of the offices.
Heavy panting, a creaking desk, a rhythmic thudding and slapping. Moaning, grunting, fabric shifting, skin on skin. A sudden gasp, like a cry of surprise, or pain.
Wesley's voice, concerned and tender: "Alright?" The creaking and thudding stop.
More panting, then a strained, lusty sigh. "Don't stop..."
Wesley chuckles, and the noise starts again.
Interesting. Wes and the little boy, Andrew. Spike smirks and walks away. This will definitely be useful later.
Andrew strolls happily into the room with the fridge. Not a kitchen, per se, but the place where breakfast happens. He's practically bouncing and humming when he looks around, notes Spike drinking from a mug, sees Wes and nearly bids him good morning when... oh.
Fred is standing awfully close. Wes is grinning down at her, a hand on her shoulder, the other touching her hair. They're... giggling. Like a couple. She whispers something funny in his ear, and he laughs and leans in to kiss her mouth. Like it's normal. Like he kisses her mouth all the time.
Andrew panics, flails, scrunches up his face, can't decide whether to come in or get out. "Morning Andrew!" calls Spike cheerily. And Andrew has everyone's attention. He runs.
"What's wrong with him?" laughs Fred confusedly.
"I'll take care of it," says Wes heroically before following him.
Spike smiles into his mug.
Wesley finds Andrew waiting for the elevator, trying to get away. Andrew's face is miserable, red. He could cry at any moment.
Wesley forcibly turns him so they face each other, puts his hands on Andrew's shoulders, holds his gaze. "I'm sorry..."
Andrew snorts bitterly.
"I didn't plan this. I wasn't expecting... I - really didn't think you wanted an actual relationship. It was just - it didn't mean..."
Andrew looks away.
"I really am sorry. I just, I can't have a relationship right now... with you. It doesn't mean..."
The elevator arrives and Andrew escapes into it as Fred looks on.
"I need to speak to you."
Andrew looks up from his dinner, looking uninterested.
"You see," Wesley chuckles, "it turns out I am in fact in the market for a relationship right now..." He grins charmingly. "...and I was thinking, I did so enjoy our time together, and taking into account your feelings..."
"No thanks." Andrew continues eating.
Wesley's face falls. "Uh... pardon?"
"I said no, that's ok. To the relationship thing."
Wesley blinks at him for a moment. "...May I ask why?"
"I don't really feel like being a consolation prize. Thanks though. It's nice to know I'm the second best date you could have gotten."
Wesley stares at him and can't think of a thing to say.
All at once Spike claps Andrew on the back, grinning widely. "Well all right! Didn't see that one coming. Nice going!" He nods amusedly as Wesley walks away in a daze.