Title: Bizarro Alternate Universe
Fandom: Yû Yû Hakusho
Character(s): Sensui, Itsuki (as females)
Prompt: 06: What Now?
Rating: PG-13
http://akaisenshi.deviantart.com Author's Notes: Genderswitch, yuri. I originally came up with this AU idea from reading a fanfiction where Keiko and Shizuru were Tantei instead of the boys. To make all of the symbolism stick from the original series, the Seven would have to be girls.
Title: This Is Ridiculous
Fandom: Yû Yû Hakusho
Character(s): Sensui (young!Shinobu), Itsuki
Prompt: 26: It’s not funny
Rating: R
Author's Notes: Gay sex/yaminade humor.
Title: I’d Do Both
Fandom: Yû Yû Hakusho
Character(s): Sensui, Itsuki
Prompt: 47: Twice
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: Political humor, chibis.