Title: Chasing the Stag Rating: PG Characters: James/Sirius For the Fanfiction: Chasing the Stag by littlecup
Artist's Notes: I could see it all so clearly in in my head! I adore their passion, for being boys, for being animagi, for being so much more. Darling boys. You're delicious. Thank you!
I love every single piece you've done for f_f so far. :D :D And this isn't an exception. I'm SO glad you posted in time! (I'll be publicizing the masterlist in an hour).
AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Excuse me, I can't contain my enthusiasm! HOLY WOW! What a wonderful surprise to come home to! This is so beautiful and just absolutely perfect! Just..I'm speechless! I feel so honoured! You've totally made my day, week, month, etc! Just beautiful!
Thank you, fanart fairy! I love you! *BIG mushy hugs* THANK YOU! EEEE!
Comments 11
Thank you, fanart fairy! I love you! *BIG mushy hugs* THANK YOU! EEEE!
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