These are my thoughts as I watch the episode so please excuse me if something is a little incoherent. :)
Good recap, although every time I see that last scene in the car (before they get hit by the truck) I automatically think of that same scene on the gag reel with Jared and Jensen screaming and flailing like little girls. Hee!
I really like that Sam stepped up and defended his passed out father and brother without a second thought. You know he would have shot that demon too, had it actually attacked.
How bad is it that I can tell it's Jensen just by his legs? They have that little 'o' form to them. :)
What's up with the tube up Dean's nose? Couldn't they just give him a normal oxygen mask?
Sam echoing Dean's, "So I'll find some hoodoo priest, lay some mojo on him." and his surprised look at the words, are just wonderful. Yay brothers!
"So what, we just sit here with our thumbs up our ass?" Hee!
How come Sam doesn't know what all the spell stuff is for? Isn't he the geek!boy? Plus he's always the one performing the spells. Odd.
Impala love! :)
Sometimes the emotional monologs/dialogs make my skin crawl, I'm just not that kind of person, but Dean's "I've given everything you've ever asked!" speech was really fitting. Never mind that John couldn't actually hear him..
Hehe Patrick Swayze reference!
When the girl showed up the first thought I had was, "Oh God, no, there is no room for anything like a pretty girl in need of saving, in this episode!" But finding out she was the reaper made it a lot better, plus I thought the actress did a great job.
Hi Jensen's freckles! :D
Why does John even promise to Sam not to hunt the demon until he knows Dean is okay? Just to break it? Because Sam doesn't ask him to promise anything.
You know what I noticed, all the doctors in this hospital are really calm and sort of insensitive. They way they gave up so easily, first on the little girl and later on John, it bugs me.
The whole Ouija board scene was wonderful, true SamandDean!
I accidently spoiled myself for John's death so I knew that was coming, but my mother who was watching with me was really surprised. "What are they going to do now!?" was her reaction.
I so want to know what the deal is with Sam! What does the demon know about him?
Another thing that bugs me, is that John didn't say goodbye to Sam. Sam already feels like the lesser of the two brothers when it comes to John so why wouldn't he say goodbye? Yes, I realize that Sam would never just agree with letting John go and to make him let go, John would have tell Sam the big secret about what the demon did to Sam. Still though..
It it Thursday (or rather Friday, for me) yet?
I've capped the entire episode (big caps; 1024 x 576) which you can find