Holidays both real and American seam to be taken seriously over her.
Many were surprised when I said I wasn’t doing anything for Easter
except for work. So how did my first holiday weekend go you ask?
Sunday was a day in debate for work between myself and the mighty plad,
we weren’t sure of the takings we were going to make from the store and
when the heavens opened up and proceed to dump on us I to was unsure if
it was really worth opening. But as it was the taking of the day were
okay and a couple of largish sales were made on the dot of close, much
to my joy. I returned home to finally finish crushing the known world
of 200BC under my sandaled roman heal, but half way through I had a
phone call from Ted and lady. Like little angels they rushed over to my
home and handed me a plate of home cooked food as well as candy. I was
a happy little Ledge. Then I crushed the rest of Europe a event that
had been a few months in the making I can tell you and made me fell all
the better for it.
Monday I slept late, in fact so late that I was awakened by a phone
call I managed to bumble my way through a conversation with her to
arrange meeting up for the day, I won’t lie some crep goodness may have
been involved before she decided to show me the pain that every
Starbucks employees suffers at some time in their life by forcing me to
spill my own tea on myself (she used Jedi tricks I can tell that’s what
it was...). To counter this rather unpleasant scalding I had received
the kind members of Starbucks gave me this odd little square of sponge
that took away all the pain, its jelly goodness was like God himself
removing the pain from my hand. I imagined this worked so well because
it was a tea scalding and no man deserves to be hurt by a drink that is
so divine (even if it does come from Starbucks). But injured we retired
to indulge my new dark sin, one that must never come to light should I
want to be accepted in polite society again; Sex in the City. All in
all a great day.
So it was Tuesday (at this point your wondering what kind of man charts
the weekend from Sunday to Tuesday, the kind that works in retail and
has a altered week is the kind). Being British and it being a holiday
weekend I went to the beach, I took a while to get their which I loved
because I got to drive through the heavily forested hills of the west
coast which are probably the most eye pleasing scenery on the earth. We
got to the beach and played the game run into the water, “Fuck its
cold” and ran out again, but I was so good to get to the coast, very
satisfying indeed. Then I was given pizza and more importantly Cadburys
chocolate which I hasn’t had since I got here and was sent home to get
the sand of my pale, pasty skin. What a great couple of days