Mun Info:
Name: Kae
Age: 24
Screen Name we can contact you at: derridamustdie / mytonfayourface (AIM)
Character Info:
Fandom: Darker than BLACK
Name: John Smith (November 11)
Age: He won’t say (between 28-32 years old)
Physical Description of Character: November 11 is your dashing, well-dressed stranger archetype personified - he is tall, white-skinned and clean-shaven, with an impressive physique to fill out the expensive, tailored suits he is always seen wearing and a crooked smile just under a pair of cool, ice blue eyes. He is neat and cut, from his blond hair (which he wears short, shaved at the sides and tousled near the top) right down to his expensive, well-shined shoes.
It’s important to note that November 11 is one of those lucky few who naturally oozes out charisma from every pore of his body - people can’t help but be attracted to him because of his appearance alone, and the fact that he carries himself with such self-possession and confidence just makes this worse. There is, however, something cold and sharp about him, something ultimately unreachable and undistinguishable in spite of his soft words and easy smile. Most will dismiss it in favor of his looks. They do so at their own risk.
Point in Canon: Episode 22, right after he dies in the process of fighting (and killing) the head of MI6’s East Asian operations.
Personality: There’s no other way of saying it: November 11 is one smooth motherfucker. The warmth, light and charm that he displays with everyone, most especially members of the opposite sex, is but a front for the hard, steely thing that lies beneath, cold as the ice he wields… this makes sense, given the fact that he is a Contractor and such beings are ultimately detached from the irrationality and unpredictability of human thought and emotion. He’s a machine in the body of a man, built to think and act as rationally as possible, to weigh the pros and cons of every situation and act accordingly.
Nevertheless, there is still a whimsical side to November, one that blunts the lethality of his real personality. He may be his organization’s best guard dog on a leash, but he still fancies himself a man of style and a believer in aesthetics, be it the aesthetics of human interaction or the aesthetics of the battlefield. In comparison to most other Contractors, it may seem as though November is the most human, at first, and this is because he makes it a habit to come off as “human” as he possibly can - the better to play his games, enjoy himself and blend in with the crowd.
Overall, his first move will be to assess anyone, to see if they’re threatening, if they’re harmless, or if they’re someone that he can have a good time with. He will then adjust himself accordingly, and make it a point to treat that person with courtesy, even while he’s mercilessly dispatching them/playing an innocent game of cards with them/stopping them for a nice conversation at a street corner.
History of the Character: November 11 is MI6’s top agent, best known for the professional relationship that he carries out with Misaki throughout the majority of the series and his constant run-ins with Hei, who stands as his “rival” due to BK201’s position as an agent of the Syndicate. He is a recurring character throughout the series, and his own sense of justice and need for knowledge eventually has him investigating the activities of the MI6 itself in spite of the fact that he works for them. This does, ultimately, lead to his death.
Magical Powers/Skills: November 11’s special ability as a Contractor is the freezing of liquids - it’s important to note that he does not actually require physical contact with the liquid in question, making him capable of doing anything from shaping water into projectiles to creating protective shields out of puddles to chilling the blood in the body of a nearby target. Of course, the farther away the body of liquid in question is from November, the more difficult it is for him to affect it. The amount of time it takes for him to freeze something also depends on how large the target in question happens to be. While he simply needs to see the object in question in order to start manipulating it, it is, overall, most practical for the target to be at least three feet away from him. Anything more than that, and the time and effort it takes to affect the target may not make it worth trying for him at all.
It is important to note, though, that while he can do this nearly every time, for him to continue using his abilities, November 11 must complete his remuneration as a Contractor - in his case, it’s smoking cigarettes, an activity that November personally despises. If he is kept from completing his remuneration for too long, he could face some serious physical consequences upon his person, if not death.
Beyond his abilities as a Contractor, November 11 was also trained in the arts of assassination, covert operations and espionage… he was, we note, the best that MI6 has to offer. As such, he excels in sabotage, information mining, hacking (he can probably hack anything and everything that ISN’T labeled ‘unhackable’), stealth, theft and other spy or assassin-related activities. He is also well-versed in self-defense and the use of firearms. Overall, however, November 11 is NOT a fighter… he’s more the type who will use his ice-based abilities on the battlefield, or he’ll stay off of it completely, putting his spy skills to the test. He is best handling the well-planned kill under the cover of darkness or the tabletop negotiation, not as a fighter on an all-out battlefield or chaotic shootout.
Weapons: His ice, his wit and his spy skills. The good looks often help in this department as well.