1. name:Nadia
2. age:17
3. sex:female
4. favorite color:black
5. favorite food:hmmm well I guess mac and cheese
6. favorite movies:Clockwork Orange- no words can fully describe how wonderful and twisted this movie is. -Kundun- how beautiful portarying the conflict in tibet.- Sleeping Beauty- the artwork is like no other disney movie -Pirates of the Caribean- cause we all know how much Nadia love pirates-Requiem for a Dream- masterpiece..... im speachless ...its just incredible -Edward Scissorhands- Johnny Depp with pointy objects and leather..outragous.....-Kill Bill- the comedy in this movie is superbPulp Fiction- its becoming obvious that i like dark comedies.-Citizen Kane- The visuals in this movie are AMAZING.
7. favorite stores to shop at:lipservice.com, spiders web, and more random online stores
//thoughts and opinions//
8. give your thoughts/opinions on...
the radio: tooo mainstream, never play any tunes i listen to
Starbucks: sometimes good stuff, i like artisy coffee shops better, but they have good chai
ujournal: eh?
christian rock:oh man, now I'm not one to diss music, but I really dislike it, if you like it, thats fine, but I'm not all about the worshiping god things.
the GAP: wayyyy too mainstream
aviator sunglasses:can be stylish if you have the facial structure for it
fashion:alot of fashion i see is things that are brought from early periods. Which is neat of reclying ideas. Though my own personal fashion is less mainstream then most
curse words:
//books and music//
9. list at least 10 bands you listen to on a regular basis: frontline assembly, Skinny puppy, poe, Portishead,Ace of Base,The Cranberries, Murderdolls,Orgy,The gathering,and Peggy lee
10. list at least 5 books you've read: Hegemony or Survial, ( Noam Chomesky, The Invisable Man, Dracula, Turn of the Screw, and Reasons that Religion goes evil.
11. list at least 10 of your favorite songs: Fever-Peggy Lee,Bang Bang-Nacy Sinatra, Strangers in the Night-Frank Sinatra, Casulaties-Frontline Assembly,Icebreaker-Skinny Puppy,Nobody loves me-Portishead, Angry Johnny-Poe, Anarchy in the UK-Sex Pistols,Herion-Velet Underground,Punk Rock Love-The Casulaties
//random questions//
12. do you have a passionate love for all things 90's? (i.e.-90's nickelodeon, old b96 techno, etc..) HELL YEA
13. describe your style: classic and cyber gothic
14. what makes you think you're hip shit?:I"m different, I model, I wear different colors in my hair, and at the same time promote policits and kick ass.
15. do you have a job?: yesss
16. have you ever seen the movie "to wong foo thanks for everything-julie newmar"?: don't think so
17. promote us somewhere and give us the link:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/cerealisdeath/14286.html18. are you in any other rating communities?: yes!!
19. do you get turned on by straight boys kissing?: hell yea!!
20. post at least 2 pictures to make us laugh ourselves silly:
21. finally...post at least 2 (CLEAR!) pictures of yourself, your fashion, you and your friends, or anything about you: