Title: Just Maybe
Author: fancyspinner
Fandom Lost
Rating: PG
Discl: Characters belong to ABC and others who are, alas, not me.
Answer to challenge 18 on the
lostfichallenge community
Set after All the best cowboys...
Summary: A friendship begins with a few simple words.
He was propped up by a tree trunk when Sayid found him. He was unsure why he was seeking out the ill-tempered man, except that there had been something about How Sawyer had spoken to him the drawling tone so typical, but why had he chosen to tell him about the signal fire?
He was spinning a paper backed book between his fingers. The usually alert eyes were closed.
He could ignore him, let the Iraqi walk away. EVERYONE else did, even freckles.
It was so easy to keep them distanced. He almost couldn't remember any other way to behave. Except that Hurley had come to him just as brazen as you please and he'd given him the manifest, just like that. He'd been unable to refuse.
He understood about being on the outside, about trying to just make it through the days. He was so very unsure now. He didn't like it. Damned Stay Puffed got him involved with stuff and before that it had been Clare and the funerals. He ignored Sayid; he couldn't predict what would happen. It was important for him to do that.
"I just came to thank you. I know you don't want to hear it, but I appreciate you telling me what had been going on while I wasn't here. If you want, I can go again. I won't come back, Sawyer."
"What are you, nuts?" The book fell from his fingers and his eyes popped open.
"Look, we don't need any fallen heroes around here! Get over yourself. You screwed up, almost got me killed... but I made it." He shot the other man a wicked grin.
"Wonderful. I'm so glad to hear it." A flash of relief and bemusement beyond Sayid's control to hold in.
Sawyer grabbed his book and leaned back against the tree. His eyes flickered closed.
"Well then, I will see you."
"Hey, Captain Falafel? Thanks!"
Sayid didn't acknowledge the words but they meant a great deal. He wasn't sure where they were, but it was better than where they had been. Perhaps one day Sawyer would call him "Sayid."
Sawyer smiled a little. Someone understood, if only just a little bit. Maybe it wouldn't be so hard, maybe there were second chances, just maybe.
Copyright 11-25-2005