First, I apologize for spamming flists with Fractured Reality, my 2005 NaNo Novel. Unfortunately, the .doc file for it was too big to mail to myself, and I'm wanting to finish it. If you want to read, be my guest, any and all concrit is welcome.
Tag is here.
Second, I'm curious about something I read recently in
fanficrants ... When does it become
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Comments 8
I wrote my Leverage/Burn Notice crossover off of a picture of ladies shoes. Three or four other people wrote completely different stories from the same picture. It's very cool to see how someone else interprets something.
Interpretation is everything. And because we are all unique people, we all have unique ideas and ways to do things.
I'm with you. I think everything's been done and if you're putting your own spin on something that's been done to death, its yours and you shouldn't have to ask. I took my Vampire!Willow/Human!William story from a premise done by different people where they rewrote The Initiative episode and had Spike/Willow having sex instead of fighting.
I put a new spin on it and I didn't ask anyone for permission. I don't think I should have to. I changed it enough to make it my own. That isn't plagiarism to me.
Definately. I truly see plagiarism as the lifting of material (words), and not necissarily ideas (premise/plot).
And no, ideas can't be plagiarised so three or four stories coming from the sdame plot bunny aren't plagiaristic of each other. And everything has been done before, there's only 7 distinct original ideas but it's the way that you interpret them that keeps everything fresh.
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